The next exhibition at Palazzo dei Diamanti will be on art and psyche between Previati and Boccioni

Announced the next exhibition at Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara: 'States of Mind. Art and Psyche between Previati and Boccioni,' scheduled from March 3 to June 10, 2018.

The upcoming exhibition opening at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara (March 3 to June 10, 2018) has been announced: it will be titled States of Mind. Art and Psyche between Previati and Boccioni and aims to take a fresh look at late 19th century Italian art, analyzing the poetics of states of mind through the works of the artists of the time. The period investigated by the exhibition represents an important juncture in art history since at that time as never before art (and with it science) engaged in the investigation of the human psyche. This wave spread throughout Europe, and in Italy it had its masters in personalities such as Giovanni Segantini, Gaetano Previati, Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Angelo Morbelli and Medardo Rosso, the first to reflect on these themes. But the exhibition’s discourse extends to the early 20th century with the Futurist avant-garde of Giacomo Balla, Carlo Carrà and Umberto Boccioni.

An important place in the exhibition will be given to Gaetano Previati (there will also be his Maternity), an artist present with several works in the collections of the Ferrara Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art. Of him Boccioni said, “With him the forms begin to speak like music, the bodies aspire to become atmosphere, spirit, and the subject is already ready to be transformed into an instate of mind.” But there will also be other masterpieces, such as Giovanni Segantini’sAve Maria a trasbordo and Umberto Boccioni’s Trittico degli stati d ’animo, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Beata Beatrix, Auguste Rodin’s Fugit Amor (in fact, international artists will also be on display) and other works.

The exhibition, curated by Maria Grazia Messina, Fernando Mazzocca and Chiara Vorrasi, is supported by the long work of specialists who have studied the sources and carried out critical revision work that has led to an unprecedented exhibition that promises to be particularly interesting. “The itinerary,” reads the presentation, “follows the steps of the artists in their search for an alphabet of emotions, moving from psychological verism to delve into a process of formal rarefaction that arrives at the abstract and dynamic synthesis of Futurist mood painting.” An important role is played by the installation by Studio Ravalli, designed “to create a suspended and immaterial space immersed in darkness, so as to enhance the power of suggestion of paintings and sculptures and encourage a direct relationship with the observer.” And there will also be room for dialogues between the works of art and the scientific and cultural imagery of the time, "in a thematic narrative that traverses states of mind: from melancholy to fantastic abandonment in reverie, from the abyss of fear to the liberation of sexual drives and aggressive instincts, to the ecstatic rapture of love and sublimation in feelings of peace and universal harmony, to close on the frenetic and exhilarating notes produced by the experience of the contemporary city."

The exhibition, March 3 to June 10, 2018, opens daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (also open on Easter, Easter Monday, Easter Monday, May 1 and June 2). Tickets, audio guide included: 13 euros full, 11 euros reduced, free for children under six, disabled and accompanying person, journalists and tour guides with badges, ICOM members, military in uniform. Information at

Image: Giovanni Segantini, Ave Maria a trasbordo (1886; Sankt Moritz, Segantini Museum)

The next exhibition at Palazzo dei Diamanti will be on art and psyche between Previati and Boccioni
The next exhibition at Palazzo dei Diamanti will be on art and psyche between Previati and Boccioni

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