The Mart in Rovereto dedicates an extensive anthological exhibition to Luigi Serafini

From July 12 to October 2024, the Mart in Rovereto is dedicating an extensive anthological exhibition to Luigi Serafini, highlighting his extraordinary ability to create fantastic images.

The Mart in Rovereto presents from July 12 to October 2024 The Dream of Luigi Serafini, a vast anthological exhibition dedicated to Luigi Serafini (Rome, 1949), which explores the artist’s rich creative activity spanning diverse fields, from architecture to design, painting to sculpture, graphics to photography to digital art.

Based on an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi and curated by Andrea Cortellessa, Denis Isaia, and Pietro Nocita, the exhibition, with a layout designed by Serafini himself, begins with Codex Seraphinianus, the artist’s monumental work that has captured the attention of critics since its first publication in 1981 by Franco Maria Ricci. This fantastic encyclopedia, reprinted and translated into several international editions, has become a true cult object worldwide, appreciated by distinguished intellectuals and artists such as Italo Calvino, Federico Zeri, Umberto Eco, Tim Burton, Jean-Michel Jarre, Orhan Pamuk, Philippe Starck and Fernando Arrabal.

The exhibition aims to highlight Serafini’s extraordinary ability to create fantastic images, tracing a path from his experience with the architecture and design group Memphis to the Artist’s House, currently involved in a legal battle for its preservation. A significant selection of original Codex plates then introduces the public to the artist’s relationship with the book, also explored through the plates of two other Serafini publications: Pulcinellopaedia Seraphiniana, a fantastical reinterpretation of the Neapolitan myth of Punchinello, and Storie naturali, an atlas of imagined botany.

The exhibition itinerary reveals a universe dominated by invention and lightness, in which bizarreness and truth, irony and seduction are constantly intertwined, offering the public a comprehensive view of Luigi Serafini’s visionary world.

For info:

Pictured is a panel from Luigi Serafini’s Codex Seraphinianus.

The Mart in Rovereto dedicates an extensive anthological exhibition to Luigi Serafini
The Mart in Rovereto dedicates an extensive anthological exhibition to Luigi Serafini

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