The major exhibition Raphael 1520-1483 reopens today at the Scuderie del Quirinale, which will remain on view until August 30, 2020 (here is our brief review). June 2 would have been the scheduled closing date, but due to the health emergency Covid-19 could only welcome the public as of now. The extension was made possible thanks to the willingness and solidarity of the lending museums.
In order to ensure a safe visit, new arrangements are planned : one will be able to stay in each hall according to a predefined time(five minutes) accompanied by a hall staff member who will facilitate compliance with the rules to be followed. It will then be necessary to strictly adhere to the chosen time indicated on the ticket, and the visit will last a total of 80 minutes including a 5-minute break halfway through.
Six people will be able to access the exhibition every 5 minutes starting at 9 a.m. Reservations are mandatory from the Scuderie del Quirinale website, by calling +39 02-92897722 or at all Vivaticket outlets open to the public.
Those who had already purchased a ticket for the exhibition for a visit to be made between March 8 and June 1 and received a voucher for an amount corresponding to what they had already paid, can use their vouchers to reserve new tickets, but only through the electronic ticket office on the Scuderie website. Those who have not yet picked up their vouchers can do so, by June 16, at
Children under the age of 6 can pick up their free reservation directly online-they will not count against the 6 visitors allowed in the halls at a time.
Visitors must arrive 5 minutes before the time indicated on the ticket to allow for all preparatory operations for the visit.
At the entrance, body temperature will be taken and it will be mandatory to wear a mask for the entire time of stay inside the Stables and to maintain an interpersonal distance of 2 meters, even between people of the same household. The route will be unidirectional marked by appropriate graphics and signage.
The audioguide service is not active and the use of radio microphones, receivers and earphones will not be allowed. The content of the audioguides, curatorial videos and texts written to accompany the exhibition tour (room texts, in-depth analysis and captions with photos of the works) will be available free of charge on the Scuderie del Quirinale App to be downloaded to one’s device: the latter must have at least 60 percent of the battery charge in order to use it throughout the exhibition visit, and visitors must have their own earphones.
All educational services are also suspended.
For info:
Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. with last admission at 8:30 p.m.
Image: Raphael, Portrait of a Woman as Venus ("Fornarina"), detail (c. 1519-1520; oil on panel; Rome, National Galleries of Ancient Art, Barberini). National Galleries of Ancient Art, Rome (MIBACT) - Hertziana Library, Max Planck Institute for Art History/Enrico Fontolan
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The major exhibition dedicated to Raphael reopens today at the Scuderie del Quirinale. Here's everything you need to know |
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