The largest and most comprehensive exhibition on Escher is coming to Genoa

Palazzo Ducale in Genoa is preparing to host a major exhibition on Maurits Cornelis Escher, which promises to be the largest and most comprehensive anthological exhibition devoted to the Dutch artist.

A major exhibition dedicated to Maurits Cornelis Escher (Leeuwarden, 1898 - 1972), with more than 200 works, is coming to Genoa. Titled simply Escher, it will take place at Palazzo Ducale from September 9, 2021 to February 20, 2022. The exhibition promises to be the largest and most comprehensive anthological exhibition dedicated to the great Dutch artist, now one of the world’s most beloved artists whose impossible worlds have entered the collective imagination, making him an icon of modern art.

Among the works on display will be some of his most representative masterpieces, such as Hand with Reflecting Sphere (1935), Bond ofunion (1956), Metamorphosis II (1939), Day and Night (1938) and the Emblemata series. The aim is to present the public with a summary of his entire artistic production.

“Between art, mathematics, science, physics, nature and design,” reads the presentation, “the Escher exhibition is a unique event to get to know more closely a restless, reserved but undoubtedly brilliant artist and to actively measure oneself against the many perspectival, geometric and compositional paradoxes that underlie his works and that still continue to inspire generations of new artists in every field.”

Sponsored and organized by the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura and Arthemisia, in collaboration with the M. C. Escher Foundation, the exhibition is curated by Mark Veldhuysen (CEO of the M.C. Escher Company) and Federico Giudiceandrea, one of the world’s leading Escher experts.

Pictured: Maurits Cornelis Escher, Convex and Concave (1955; lithograph, 27.5 x 33.5 cm; Federico Giudiceandrea Collection; All M.C. Escher works © The M.C. Escher Company)

The largest and most comprehensive exhibition on Escher is coming to Genoa
The largest and most comprehensive exhibition on Escher is coming to Genoa

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