Sabra Beauty Everywhere, Chiara Dynys' never-before-seen project at the Correr Museum in Venice

On the occasion of the Venice Biennale 2019, the Museo Correr is hosting Chiara Dynys' new project, Sabra Beauty Everywhere.

Sabra Beauty Everywhere, this is the title of Chiara Dynys new project that will be hosted from May 9 to November 24, 2019 at the Museo Correr in Venice.

The exhibition, curated by Gabriella Belli, director of the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, is part of MUVE Contemporaneo and recounts through a cycle of 27 triptychs in wood and gold leaf the project completed by the artist between 2010 and 2013 in Beirut.

Each composition presents images captured among the streets of these “ghettos” of fear and isolation in which the artist, among toys and smiles, manages to rediscover the signs and wonder of achildhood lived in an apparent and disarming normality.

“When I visited the camps of Sabra and Shatila, I sensed a great vital energy, a will to live that turns into a joy of living. The solidarity between children, necessary to survive in a hostile context is capable of creating a different dimension, a world on a small scale, but with all the rules of a complex system. With this project I did not want to make a work about refugees or the torn Middle East. Rather, I started from here to reach a deeper and more universal concept: through the looks and faces of a delicate and pure childhood, I sought the deep meaning of existence,” said the artist.

The images, inside precious caskets inspired by church polyptychs, Buddhist temples and frames containing the words of the Koran, become religious testimonies, expressions of a universal faith.

The works will be displayed in the Hall of the Four Doors; in the center will be a large installation with a crystal shrine, crossed by the gold inscription “There is nothing outside,” taken from the thought of St. Augustine: a paradigm between the inside and the outside, in a direct confrontation with the inner wholeness that characterizes childhood, the central theme of the works.

The exhibition is also made possible thanks to the support of Mario Aite and Renata Zoppas and the valuable collaboration of VAF-Stiftung.

Sabra Beauty Everywhere, Chiara Dynys' never-before-seen project at the Correr Museum in Venice
Sabra Beauty Everywhere, Chiara Dynys' never-before-seen project at the Correr Museum in Venice

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