Rome, WeGil dedicates an exhibition to Emilio Leofreddi one year after his death

To mark the first anniversary of the passing of Roman artist Emilio Leofreddi (1958-2023), his work will be celebrated through a major exhibition at Rome's WeGil, open to the public from May 31 through Aug. 31.

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the passing of Roman artist Emilio Leofreddi (1958-2023), his work is being celebrated through a major exhibition at WeGil in Rome, open to the public from May 31 until Aug. 31.

The exhibition, curated by Giuseppe Stagnitta, with the collaboration of theEmilio Leofreddi Archive and with the contribution of Amnesty International Italia, is sponsored by the Lazio Region, in collaboration with LAZIOcrea, and is produced by Clode Art Gallery with the participation of Fondazione Terzo Pilastro - Internazionale e Poema.

The project, promoted by the Regional Department of Culture, includes the exhibition of more than 150 works - canvases, drawings, installations, videos, notes, photographs - that will tell, through a thematic and informal path, the work and life of the artist, from the 1990s until his death (also on display are the 3 videos Im Media, Contact and Chaos acquired by Palazzo Esposizioni in Rome).

The exhibition will be organized according to a chronological path in which the thematic areas, which the artist always kept alive by continually elaborating and reworking them in a chaotic mode, will make known and deepen the personality and existential approach of the artist, who lived in close contact with his poetics in art.

Born in 1958, Emilio Leofreddi was a vital and dynamic artist, always on the move, continually caught up in new travel projects, which he approached as an artistic experience and knowledge. Travel, dream, dreamlike imagery are the central themes of his poetics: continuing to dream, cultivating the hope of a different world is as necessary as breathing. Making people travel beyond goods without borders: “we are citizens of the world.” A world without prevarication. A world in which the color “black” has the same specific weight as the color “white.” A world made of peace and respect for the other than oneself and acceptance of the foreigner, the “different.” A world made of true experience, genuine communication, creativity, faith in awareness as a tool and a purpose, where mobility is living in harmony with the inevitable, namely the inevitable in oneself. During the period of the exhibition, there will also be a calendar of public events designed to offer a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the artist’s life, his work, and his connections with the contemporary art world.

The catalog will be edited by Mainz Publisher. The Emilio Leofreddi Archive curated by his daughter Asia Leofreddi and wife Marina Mesnic will also be presented on the occasion of the exhibition presentation.

The exhibition will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

For all information, you can visit the official WeGil website.

Image: Emilio Leofreddi, The Escape (2016; canvas, 95 x 95 cm)

Rome, WeGil dedicates an exhibition to Emilio Leofreddi one year after his death
Rome, WeGil dedicates an exhibition to Emilio Leofreddi one year after his death

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