Rome, video art arrives at the Baths of Caracalla with Fabrizio Plessi's exhibition The Secret of Time

From June 18 to September 29, 2019, the Terme di Caracalla in Rome will host Fabrizio Plessi's video art with the exhibition 'The Secret of Time.

In Rome, a new section of the subterranean area of the Baths of Caracalla opens to the public with the exhibition Il segreto del tempo, by Fabrizio Plessi (Reggio Emilia, 1940), among the protagonists of video art, with music by Michael Nyman. A complex project that, among other things, sees the return to Caracalla of some ancient artworks originally located in the spa facility.

The exhibition, curated by Alberto Fiz, is organized by the Special Superintendence of Rome in collaboration with Electa and runs from June 18 to September 29, 2019.

Plessi pays his own tribute to Rome ’s great history with a new work, arranged along more than 200 meters of the Baths’ undergrounds, hitherto unknown to visitors and opened after complex consolidation and restoration work. This is the sector under the exedra of the calidarium, the beating heart of the facility and a unique example of the high level of technology achieved by the ancient Romans, now finally visible in the new route.

Furnaces, boilers, storerooms, a large underground artery, and borrowed statues will provide a counterpoint to Plessi a Caracalla. The Secret of Time: 12 video installations that, both in the supporting structures of the screens and in the content of the videos themselves, will span classical themes. Water, fire, the history of the Baths, the figure of Caracalla and more will be the focus of an immersive experience celebrating Rome’s most sumptuous imperial baths facility.

For all information you can call +39 06 39967702 or visit the CoopCulture website.

Source: release

Rome, video art arrives at the Baths of Caracalla with Fabrizio Plessi's exhibition The Secret of Time
Rome, video art arrives at the Baths of Caracalla with Fabrizio Plessi's exhibition The Secret of Time

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