Rome, Palazzo Bonaparte dedicates major retrospective to Botero, including new works

Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome is dedicating a major retrospective exhibition of Colombian artist Fernando Botero from September 17, 2024 to January 19, 2025. The exhibition aims to be the most comprehensive ever held in Rome on the artist.

From Sept. 17, 2024 to Jan. 19, 2025, Palazzo Bonaparte in Rome is dedicating a retrospective to Colombian artist Fernando Botero, who died in 2023. Curated by Lina Botero, the artist’s daughter, and Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz, an expert on his work, the exhibition will feature paintings, watercolors, sculptures and some previously unseen works for an exhibition that aims to be the most comprehensive ever held in Rome on the artist. The works on display, of medium and large dimensions, will highlight the sumptuous roundness of Botero’s feminine world, characterized by three-dimensional effects and vivid colors. Botero’s creations never represent reality as such, but are wrapped in a hyperrealist ambiguity typical of the South American tradition.

The exhibition will also include reinterpretations of masterpieces from art history, such as Velázquez’s las Meninas, Raphael’s Fornarina, Piero della Francesca’s Double Portrait of the Dukes of Urbino, and the bourgeois portraits of Rubens and van Eyck. In addition, there will be classical themes such as the circus and bullfighting, the latter interpreted through the lens of the Hispanic tradition, which is well established in the art of masters such as Goya and Picasso. One room will be devoted to Botero’s most recent technical experimentation, which, starting in 2019, he began painting with watercolors on canvas. These almost diaphanous works reflect a delicate and perhaps senile approach to familiar themes, showing a new dimension to his art.

For info:

Hours: Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.)

Rome, Palazzo Bonaparte dedicates major retrospective to Botero, including new works
Rome, Palazzo Bonaparte dedicates major retrospective to Botero, including new works

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