Rome, exhibition celebrating Yoshitaka Amano's 50-year career at Palazzo Braschi

From March 28 to October 12, 2025 at the Museo di Roma in Palazzo Braschi, an exhibition celebrating the 50-year career of Japanese illustrator Yoshitaka Amano.

From March 28 to October 12, 2025, the exhibition Amano Corpus Animae dedicated to Japanese illustrator Yoshitaka Amano arrives at the Museo di Roma in Palazzo Braschi. Conceived and realized by Lucca Comics & Games and curated by Fabio Viola, promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, with the organizational support of Zètema, the exhibition aims to celebrate Yoshitaka Amano’s 50-year career by bringing together more than 200 works including original works, animation cel and cult objects.

It is a journey through the history of world animation and entertainment through the significant stages of the Shizuoka-based artist’s career. From Tatsunoko to Final Fantasy, from the first steps taken by the artist in the 1970s in animation studios to his most recent works. His works, including anime, video games and drawings, have established him as a creator of contemporary mythologies.

Yoshitaka Amano
Yoshitaka Amano

Original works previously unpublished in Italy will also be on display at the exhibition, recounting Amano’s collaboration with writer Michael Moorcock, creator of the character of Elric of Melnibonè, the protagonist of a series of short stories and fantasy novels. Visitors will be able to admire six plates that testify to the meeting between the two masters and anticipate the inspiration behind the Final Fantasy creations.

The exhibition at Palazzo Braschi is divided into five sections, each dedicated to an aspect of Amano’s multifaceted production, ranging from video games to manga, anime to theater, fashion to fine art, crossing the world of publishing and American comics: one will thus have the opportunity to discover the early drawings for animation of the Tatsunoko period, the variant covers of Batman and Superman or the plates of The Sandman; the Pinocchio of the early 1970s, the original drawings of Final Fantasy, up to the unreleased 2024 operas such as the three-act one, linked to the Puccini Centenary, and dedicated to Madama Butterfly, Tosca, Turandot, with which Amano wanted to pay homage to the 2024 edition of Lucca Comics & Games by drawing its three posters.

For info:
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Yoshitaka Amano, Madama Butterfly
Yoshitaka Amano, Madama Butterfly

Rome, exhibition celebrating Yoshitaka Amano's 50-year career at Palazzo Braschi
Rome, exhibition celebrating Yoshitaka Amano's 50-year career at Palazzo Braschi

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