Rome, Crocetti Museum hosts Fabrizio Sannicandro's Arcana

Through April 2, 2022, the Crocetti Museum in Rome is hosting 'Arcana,' a new solo exhibition by Fabrizio Sannicandro that displays a cycle of pictorial works that recall twentieth-century art.

The “Venanzo Crocetti” Foundation in Rome, opens its doors until April 2, 2022 to the solo exhibition of artist Fabrizio Sannicandro (Teramo, 1965) entitled Arcani curated by Antonello Tolve.

The strong nucleus of Fabrizio Sannicandro’s exhibition project, specially conceived for the museum that collects and preserves the work of the master to whom it is dedicated, is a series of pictorial works that, on tiptoe, traces an ideal path along the paths of a collective imagination. Consistent with his own style, firmly anchored in a cultured pictorial making rich in references that traverse the twentieth century, Sannicandro, as Antonello Tolve explains in the text in the catalog, “who introduces and delves into his work, patiently constructs his scenarios, places where silent and precious beings seem to rest on the canvas almost as if to take the voice away from the color.”

In these first lines is concentrated the sense of the artist’s poetics. In the figures conceived here and which start from a personal reworking on the sense and meaning of Jungian archetypes, there are concentrated traces of reality stuck on the canvases which, Tolve again clarifies, “seem to restrain themselves on theidea of the enigma, of the arcane (of the ark, of the casket) and of the archetype (of the primary model, of the essential), of the expectation of mystery that they arouse in order to close their representing themselves an instant before truth.” according to Agamben, “true” is “only that representation which also represents the gap that separates it from truth,” and according to Tolve, Sannicandro well embodies this idea.

Hence the choice to title this exhibition Arcana which, stripped of their folkloric value, become load-bearing and fundamental images in the process of knowledge and then in the creative one, but also and above all conductors, in the beholder, of new horizons narrating the sense of humanity, of collectivity.

The exhibition is accompanied by Catalogue published by Vanillaedizioni with a presentation text by Carla Ortolani President “Venanzo Crocetti” Foundation, by Antonello Tolve curator of the exhibition followed by that of Maria Letizia Paiato and an interview with the artist by Maria Vittoria Pinotti.

Arcani by Fabrizio Sannicandro is made possible thanks to a grant from the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutes of the Ministry of Culture.

Fabrizio Sannicandro, who trained at theAcademy of Fine Arts in Bologna in the 1980s, where he graduated with a thesis on futurism and on the main theme of art as a game, has felt and seen in the expressive contamination of languages the center of his artistic and cultural interests since the beginning. His basis is that of training related to traditional expressive techniques at a time before the imminent digital revolution that occurred at the beginning of the new millennium. Illustration, graphics and design have accompanied his pictorial research in parallel, characterizing an interdisciplinary activity, beyond the limits of the genre to which it belongs. In addition to participating in painting exhibitions, he has collaborated with publishing realities including Il Manifesto, Il Gambero rosso, and Lisciani Giochi, producing illustrations for newspapers, periodicals and children’s products. His entire artistic career is characterized by the use of the two languages, accompanying the creative expressiveness of manual skills with the multimedia support of digital technologies. However, in recent years Sannicandro has returned to place manual skills and traditional techniques at the center of his making, pursuing a research on the sense of community that, through painting, is expressed in images, shapes and figures with the flavor of endless tales, where time and memory mingle in suspended atmospheres.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Crocetti Museum.

Pictured is a work by Sannicandro among Crocetti’s sculptures.

Rome, Crocetti Museum hosts Fabrizio Sannicandro's Arcana
Rome, Crocetti Museum hosts Fabrizio Sannicandro's Arcana

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