Rome, an exhibition dedicated to the Torre Velasca at MAXXI.

MAXXI in Rome is hosting a photography exhibition dedicated to BBPR's Torre Velasca that runs from Oct. 25, 2024 to Feb. 23, 2025.

MAXXI in Rome is hosting a photography exhibition dedicated to BBPR’s Torre Velasca that runs from Oct. 25, 2024 to Feb. 23, 2025.

A famous Milanese icon and symbol of the economic miracle, Torre Velasca is an important piece in the post-World War II reconstruction of Milan ’s historic center, destined to change its skyline.

At the heart of the exhibition are archival materials: graphic designs, photographs and documents tell the story of the building, from the initial stages to the letter of commission, from preliminary studies of towers that were never born to the start of the construction site. Newspapers, magazines, and the glances of contemporary photographers open a window on the history, critical fortune and the events following the construction of the Tower, which is currently undergoing a major restoration and urban regeneration.

The archival materials, curated by the MAXXI Architecture and Contemporary Design Archive Center, coexist and integrate with two other parallel levels of narration: the structure of the Velasca Tower and its urban context are narrated in an accessible and phygital path through tactile models and tables and augmented and virtual reality episodes, as part of the EU-funded MAXXIperTUTTI accessibility project- NextGenerationEU.

For all information, you can visit MAXXI’s official website.

Ph. credit: MAXXI Contemporary Architecture and Design Collection.

Rome, an exhibition dedicated to the Torre Velasca at MAXXI.
Rome, an exhibition dedicated to the Torre Velasca at MAXXI.

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