Picasso's cartoon of Guernica is on display in Padua

From Nov. 4 to Dec. 5, 2018, the Third Army Historical Museum in Padua is hosting the exhibition 'Guernica. Icon of Peace' which displays the cartoon of Picasso's masterpiece.

The Alberto Peruzzo Foundation in Padua is organizing, from Nov. 4 to Dec. 5, 2018, the exhibition Guernica. Icon of Peace, which exhibits to the public the cartoon of Guernica, Pablo Picasso ’s masterpiece from which the tapestry commissioned by Nelson Rockefeller, created by Jacqueline de la Baume Dürrbach and exhibited at theUN, was created in 1955. The work will be on display at the Third Army Historical Museum in Padua. The exhibition celebrates the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice of the Great War, which was signed in Padua itself, and in a venue linked to the same historical period.

The cartoon thus returns to Italy after it was exhibited at the MAGI ’900 Museum in Pieve di Cento earlier this year. Says Serena Baccaglini, the curator, "Guernica is a special work, you can feel it from the first glance: a monumental work of 27 square meters that does not fit in its entirety on a single page of a book. All the characters that animate it are larger than in nature, they are located in an enclosed space, in a total absence of color, six human beings and three animals assembled in such a way that they immediately give at first glance the feeling of a world in which anguish dominates. We will discover that it is an autobiographical work by an exiled Spaniard: the genius Picasso, who became an icon for the whole world!
The Carton that I rediscovered after years of research and that we see exhibited in such a prestigious venue, the Museum of the Third Army, stems from the oil of Guernica, now permanently at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid, conceived and created in just 33 days after the terrible bombing of the Basque village of Guernica in April 1937 and exhibited at the Paris Expo that same year. The Cardboard, on the other hand, was created 18 years later in 1955, when Nelson Rockefeller stimulated Picasso to remake that work, which had immediately attracted the attention of the entire world for its strong emotional charge, the most dramatic denunciation against the devastating effects of war, of every war!"

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to noon and 2 to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Closed Mondays. Free admission. For more information you can visit the official website of the Alberto Peruzzo Foundation.

Picasso's cartoon of Guernica is on display in Padua
Picasso's cartoon of Guernica is on display in Padua

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