Pesaro showcases 40 graphic works by Raphael, Federico Barocci, Simone Cantarini

From Sept. 22 to Nov. 17, 2024, some 40 graphic works created by Raphael, Federico Barocci, Simone Cantarini and Giovanni Andrea Lazzarini preserved in Pesaro's Oliveriana Library are on display in the rooms housing the permanent collection of the Pesaro Civic Museums.

From Sept. 22 to Nov. 17, 2024, the rooms housing the permanent collection of the Pesaro Civic Museums in Palazzo Mosca are hosting the exhibition CAPITAL OF DRAWING. Raphael, Barocci, Cantarini, Lazzarini from the Oliveriana Library for Pesaro 2024, curated by Anna Cerboni Baiardi with Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari. On display here for the occasion are some 40 graphic works created by famous artists such as Raphael, Federico Barocci, Simone Cantarini and Giovanni Andrea Lazzarini preserved in Pesaro’s Oliveriana Library.

Belonging to the Viti Antaldi collection, the drawings on display are intended to trace an ideal path with some of the main artists who alternated in this territory between the 16th and 18th centuries: the Urbino-born Federico Barocci (1533-1612), active for Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere along with his followers; the Pesaro artists Simone Cantarini (1612-1648), a restless and innovative genius, and Giovanni Andrea Lazzarini (1710-1801), a leading figure of the 18th century in his hometown and in the Marche region. Artists who found themselves reflecting, at different times and in different ways, on the work of Raphael (1483-1520), who, born in Urbino and eventually called by Pope Julius II to Rome, created works considered so perfect that they became models for future generations.

Central to the exhibition is therefore the figure of Raphael, whose contribution is enriched through digital tools and methods.

“The exhibition highlights one of the most significant art-historical realities of the city of Pesaro: the collection of Viti Antaldi drawings preserved in the Biblioteca Oliveriana in Pesaro, known in past centuries for the large number of Raphael’s autographs, now the pride of the most prestigious collections in the world,” explains curator Anna Cerboni Baiardi. “The drawings chosen for the occasion trace an ideal path from Raphael to Lazzarini, passing through Federico Barocci, his pupils and Simone Cantarini. For each of these, graphic activity played a fundamental role. The drawings allow the visitor to enter the most creative dimension of artistic elaboration, to admire the synthetic value of a line or the softness of a shaded mark, to enjoy an image functional to a project or simply an exercise of style as an end in itself. In several cases the sheets dialogue with selected paintings normally included in the museum itinerary, but also with unpublished or little-known works offered for the occasion by public and private collectors that enrich knowledge and research.”

The drawings enter into dialogue with the permanent collection of the Pesaro museums and, thanks to multimedia systems, it is possible to reconstruct part of the precious Raphaelesque nucleus of the Viti Antaldi Collection, also bringing home the marvelous drawings now preserved at theAshmolean Museum in Oxford.

The exhibition is promoted by the Municipality of Pesaro and Fondazione Pescheria - Visual Arts Center as part of the events of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024, with the contribution of the Marche Region and in collaboration with Ente Olivieri - Biblioteca e Musei Oliveriani and Pesaro Musei, in partnership with the Raphael Academy of Urbino. The organization is by Maggioli Culture and Tourism.

For info:

Photo by Culto Productions. Credit Ente Olivieri - Oliveriani Library and Museums, Pesaro.

Federico Barocci, Study with Two Heads in Profile and an Arm for the Last Supper (charcoal and sfumino, traces of red stone and chalk on brown prepared paper, 212 x 281 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)
Federico Barocci, Study with Two Heads in Profile and an Arm for the Last Supper (charcoal and sfumino, traces of red stone and chalk on brown prepared paper, 212 x 281 mm; Pesaro, Oliveriana Library)
Raphael, Study for the Risen Christ (recto) (black stone and sfumino on paper, 216 x 90 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)
Raphael, Study for the Risen Christ (recto) (black stone and sfumino on paper, 216 x 90 mm; Pesaro, Oliveriana Library)
Simone Cantarini, Study for a Pieta (red stone on paper, 285 x 256 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)
Simone Cantarini, Study for a Pietà (red stone on paper, 285 x 256 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)
Giovanni Lazzarini, Study for the Illuminated Saint and the Angel (Massa Martana Altarpiece) (black pencil, pen and brown ink, brush and diluted brown and gray ink on paper, 349 x 242 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)
Giovanni Lazzarini, Study for the Illuminated Saint and the Angel (Massa Martana Altarpiece) (black pencil, pen and brown ink, brush and diluted brown and gray ink on paper, 349 x 242 mm; Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana)

Pesaro showcases 40 graphic works by Raphael, Federico Barocci, Simone Cantarini
Pesaro showcases 40 graphic works by Raphael, Federico Barocci, Simone Cantarini

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