Pesaro 2024, Chromatic Number transforms Pescheria Visual Arts Center with site-specific environmental installations

Until October 13, 2024, in the spaces of the Pescheria Visual Arts Center, Pesaro 2024 - Italian Capital of Culture presents the site-specific exhibition "In the Rules of Beauty" by the collective Numero Cromatico, which aims to offer a reflection on the connection between human beings, nature and technologies.

Pesaro 2024 - Italian Capital of Culture presents until Oct. 13, 2024, in the spaces of the Pescheria Visual Arts Center in Pesaro, the site-specific exhibition Nelle regole della bellezza (In the rules of beauty ) by the collective Numero Cromatico, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, promoted by the City of Pesaro and organized by Fondazione Pescheria in collaboration with Pesaro Musei.

The exhibition project aims to offer a reflection on the connection between human beings, nature and technologies. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines art and neuroscience, Numero Cromatico transforms the spaces of the Pescheria Visual Arts Center with a narrative articulated in two site-specific environmental installations. These installations are designed to immerse visitors in anunusual perceptual experience, prompting them to reflect on their own relationship with the planet, starting with the link between nature and technology. The title of the exhibition is taken from a poem by Numero Cromatico, created with the help of S.O.N.H. (Statements Of a New Humanity), the artificial intelligence developed by the collective to write poems about the future of humanity. This artificial intelligence, combined with craft techniques, text and sound, guides visitors through a path designed to stimulate a critical view of our present and imagine new ways of inhabiting the world, preserving its treasures and ecosystems.

The exhibition path winds through the spaces of the Pescheria Visual Arts Center in a fluid narrative based on perceptions. In the dodecagonal space of the Suffrage Church is Noosfera, a work designed to explore the relationship between humanity, the environment and the cosmos. Visitors are immersed in a sea of words that, slowly revealing themselves, outline the possible futures of human beings. The texts, created by Chromatic Number and projected on the walls, punctuate the space along with a soundtrack designed to accentuate the immersive experience. In the Loggiato is the installation Human Code, which consists of a large sail decorated with natural and anthropomorphic symbols, at the base of which are 24 tapestries, each with a poetic text. This work, visible even at night from outside, combines archetypal forms and words to stimulate the visitor’s imagination, inviting them to reflect on the true meaning of being human.

“In our society,” explains Chromatic Number, “art is increasingly seen and used as a form of entertainment, which the public merely observes and consumes. We believe that the interaction with the work of art should activate something deeper, that the viewer should take a creative and critical position starting from the encounter with the work, even different from person to person. For this reason, the exhibition speaks, first of all, about freedom, plurality and responsibility. We hope it can be experienced by the public as a true introspective journey, an instrument of collective resonance.”

In the Rules of Beauty aims to shine a spotlight on the perception of the human being as the center of the universe and turns to art and technology as tools of a vocabulary used to explore new ways of cohabitation with other species and the world, in synergy with the theme of Pesaro 2024 - Italian Capital of Culture “The Nature of Culture,” under the general direction of Silvano Straccini and with the artistic direction of Agostino Riitano.

“Among the main objectives of the art-related events in the Pesaro 2024 program was the intention to explore one of the fundamental issues animating the contemporary critical debate: the relationship between art and new technologies,” says the curator. “Can new technologies provide content for the creation of artworks? Can they ever become an iconographic source for artists? Or are they destined to remain only a support of technique? In the Rules of Beauty Chromatic Number, among other things, answers these questions particularly felt in an area that saw the work of two geniuses of art, mathematics and geometry, passionate researchers of the rules of beauty through the golden section and divine proportion: Luca Pacioli and Piero della Francesca.”

The exhibition is flanked by the publishing project Il futuro è qui, da qualche parte / The future is here, somewhere, which dedicates a reflection on the relationship between nature, art and technology realized with the contribution of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo as part of the CTE Square project - FSC 2014-2020 funding. The project, curated by Attilia Franchini Fattori, devotes a multidisciplinary reflection to the role of technology in artistic creation, paying particular attention to the potential of artificial intelligence and making use of contributions from different disciplines of knowledge, from art history to neuroscience. The future is here, somewhere / The future is here, somewhere is realized in a thematic meeting, which will take place on Friday, Oct. 4, at Fondazione Pescheria, and in a scientific publication edited and distributed by Mousse Publishing, available from February 2025.

“The Pesaro CTE Square House of Emerging Technologies,” emphasized Maria Laura Maggiulli, director of the Technology Innovation and Digital Transition service and CTE Square project manager, “is a physical space for technology transfer, experimentation, innovation and development of new capabilities and application scenarios using the potential of emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, IOT, AR/VR/ER. The Chromatic Number exhibition can be an abstraction of CTE, offering visitors too a physical space that through AI intends to stimulate a critical look at the present and imagine new ways of interacting with the context in which they are immersed. As CTE we are also actively participating in this initiative, with a project that includes a study day on the encounter between art and new technologies and a publication on the topic edited by Attilia Fattori Franchini a researcher at the University of Urbino partner in the CTE project.”

The exhibition is open Tuesday through Friday from 4 to 7 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. From July 11 to Sept. 15, every Thursday evening opening from 9 to 11 p.m.

Photo by Michele Alberto Sereni.

Chromatic number, Human code
Chromatic Number, Human Code
Chromatic Number, Noosphere
Chromatic number, Noosphere

Pesaro 2024, Chromatic Number transforms Pescheria Visual Arts Center with site-specific environmental installations
Pesaro 2024, Chromatic Number transforms Pescheria Visual Arts Center with site-specific environmental installations

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.