Palazzo Strozzi announces three major exhibitions for 2025: Helen Frankenthaler, Tracey Emin and Beato Angelico

Palazzo Strozzi announces exhibition program 2025: three major exhibitions between contemporary and ancient art. Starring Helen Frankenthaler, Tracey Emin and Beato Angelico.

Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi announces the 2025 exhibition program. A calendar that continues the line of projects ranging from the greatest contemporary artists to the great masters ofancient art.

“In 2025, the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi aims to consolidate and expand its role as a cultural institution of reference at the international level through a program of major exhibitions that enhance the dialogue between tradition and innovation that has become a distinctive feature of our institution,” says Arturo Galansino, director general of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi. “If with the major exhibitions of Helen Frankenthaler and Tracey Emin we will give light to two opposite but equally revolutionary artistic universes in the history of art, with the exhibition dedicated to Beato Angelico we aim to create a truly unique and unrepeatable project, celebrating in Florence an artist who marked the beginning of the Renaissance revolution.”

Running from Sept. 27, 2024 to Feb. 2, 2025 is the largest exhibition ever held in Italy on the revolutionary art of one of the greatest American artists of the 20th century, Helen Frankenthaler. Placing her works in dialogue with paintings and sculptures by artists contemporary to her, including Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell and Mark Rothko, the exhibition, titled Painting Without Rules and produced with the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, explores the extraordinary career of an artist who defied convention in search of a new freedom in painting, breaking its rules and establishing a new relationship between color, space and form.

From March 8 to July 2025 Palazzo Strozzi will host the first exhibition ever held in an Italian cultural institution on Tracey Emin, a British artist celebrated for works that combine her biography with a constant formal quest for profound experimentation. A selection of historical works and more recent works from public and private collections around the world will tell the story of the controversial and lacerating aesthetic of one of the artists who has most marked the image of women and the relationship between body and existence in contemporary art of the last 30 years.

It then returns to ancient art from Sept. 26, 2025 to Jan. 25, 2026 with an exhibition dedicated to Beato Angelico. The exhibition, curated by Carl Brandon Strehlke, is produced in collaboration with the Regional Directorate National Museums Tuscany and the Museo di San Marco, which will be a parallel venue for the exhibition in a unified itinerary celebrating one of the fathers of Renaissance art. For the first time, works dispersed for more than two hundred years will be brought together with loans from the world’s most important museums and institutions, such as the Louvre in Paris, the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin, and the Metropolitan Museum in New York.

Palazzo Strozzi announces three major exhibitions for 2025: Helen Frankenthaler, Tracey Emin and Beato Angelico
Palazzo Strozzi announces three major exhibitions for 2025: Helen Frankenthaler, Tracey Emin and Beato Angelico

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