National Geographic exhibition chronicling a century of women's changes can be visited online

The exhibition Women. A World in Change, organized by National Geographic in collaboration with Genus Bononiae, can be visited online

The exhibition Women. A Changing World, organized by National Geographic in collaboration with Genus Bononiae. Musei nella città and Fondazione Carisbo and set up in Santa Maria della Vita in Bologna, now becomes virtual. Marco Cattaneo, director of National Geographic leads the public on a virtual tour of the exhibition through a series of videos posted on the social channels Facebook, Instagram and Youtube of Genus Bononiae: some of the most significant images among the more than seventy on display in the exhibition will be narrated. Images taken by the great reporters of National Geographic that recount changes and challenges, achievements and goals yet to be achieved by women at every latitude and in one hundred years of history.

The exhibition is divided into six sections (Beauty/Beauty, Joy/Joy, Love/Love, Wisdom/Wisdom, Strength/Strength, Hope/Hope), and the first installment, already online, kicks off with a portrait of an Afghan woman in a full red burqa carrying a cage of goldfinches on her head, a powerful metaphor for oppression, contrasted with the image of freedom and beauty of a girl on a cigarette break in Lagos, Nigeria: the two shots chosen for the exhibition poster.

Each week, Marco Cattaneo’s videos will offer everyone an opportunity to get up close and personal with the extraordinary reporting and archival work of the historic paper, which in setting up the exhibition intends to reflect on the past, present and future of women, illustrating some of their aspects and focusing on the development goals that see them at the center of every process of social, political and economic growth, one hundred years after women were granted the right to vote in the United States.

For info:

Pictured, a recently married Afghan girl hugs her little sister in Wakhan, Afghanistan. Ph.Credit Matthieu Paley, 2012

National Geographic exhibition chronicling a century of women's changes can be visited online
National Geographic exhibition chronicling a century of women's changes can be visited online

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