More than 100 Steve McCurry shots on display in Biella, from Highlands to iconic works

From Dec. 6, 2024 to May 18, 2025 in Biella, the venues of Palazzo Gromo Losa and Palazzo Ferrero will welcome more than one hundred shots by Steve McCurry that tell the unspoiled essence of the mountains and the most iconic works of the famous photographer.

Palazzo Gromo Losa and Palazzo Ferrero in Biella will host the exhibition Steve McCurry from December 6, 2024 to May 18, 2025. Uplands&Icons. It will feature 128 shots by the great photographer accompanied by video installations of never-before-seen interviews.

The exhibition will be developed in two separate but complementary sections. In the first, more than one hundred photographs taken in the UPLANDS, the highlands and"High Lands" of Tibet, Afghanistan, Mongolia, Japan, Ethiopia, Burma, Nepal and Brazil will be on display. These shots capture thepristine essence of the mountains, where time seems suspended, silence is absolute, and the lifestyle constantly oscillates between danger and resource. Through the images, one can sense the extreme fascination of these faraway places, united by a poignant beauty and purity of landscapes. The photographs not only show the vast perspectives of still untouched territories, but also the faces of their inhabitants: Afghan guerrillas, Tibetan herders, African tribes and young women, like the one portrayed in the photograph chosen to represent the exhibition.

The second section is devoted instead to ICONS, a collection of Steve McCurry’s most representative and famous photographs, including the famous “Afghan Girl.” This section is enhanced by a series of documentaries in which McCurry himself talks about his approach to photography, offering an intimate look at his creative process and the philosophy that guides his work.

“The commitment to the realization of major cultural events that sees us as partners together with Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Banca di Asti,” says Biella Mayor Marzio Olivero, “will certainly favor the success of this excellent initiative that offers the public a unique opportunity for an aesthetic and cognitive approach to extraordinary corners of reality through the medium of photography. The sharing of ambitious cultural activities naturally fosters a positive promotion of the city and its territory, producing curiosity, interest and attractiveness. From what comes what, and also from this extraordinary exhibition opportunity may come new stimuli to expand our network of relationships in a wider cultural horizon.”

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More than 100 Steve McCurry shots on display in Biella, from Highlands to iconic works
More than 100 Steve McCurry shots on display in Biella, from Highlands to iconic works

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