Scheduled in Castiglione del Lago (Perugia), at Palazzo Della Corgna, from June 28 to November 4, 2018, is the exhibition Joan Miró. Graphic Wonders 1966 - 1976, which shows the public seventy graphic works by Joan Miró (Barcelona, 1893 - Palma de Mallorca, 1983), belonging to four complete series: 1966’s Ubu Roi, 1971’s Le Lézard aux Plumes d’Or, 1975’s Maravillas con variaciones acrósticas en el jardín de Miró and 1976’s Le Marteau sans maître. These are masterpieces that tell the story of Joan Miró’s “poetic dream,” that is, his ability to express the images of his imagination through a personal language, filled with figures of vivid colors (blues, reds, greens, yellows) that give life to extraordinary visions.
Miró’s works also testify to the importance that illustration acquired during the twentieth century: until the second half of the nineteenth century, in fact, illustration constituted an ancillary apparatus to text, always subordinate to the written word. Surrealism inherited the experiments of earlier avant-gardes, but it became the most fruitful and long-lived ground for reflection on the relationship between text and word and for the creation of "artist’s books.“ Because of the breadth of its publications and the constant experimental work undertaken by artists, the Surrealist ”artist’s book" represents one of the most interesting artistic but also theoretical contributions of the twentieth century, and Miró was one of its greatest experimenters.
“Miró dialogued with the work of some of the main exponents of the postwar literary world,” we read in the presentation of the exhibition. "In the thirteen colorful lithographs of Ubu Roi each panel is worked as a theatrical scene in which forms and volumes seem to be able to move freely. Ubu is a grotesque character whose visceral functions dominate over intellectual ones and represents the caricature of all human abjection. In Le Lézard aux plumes d’orMiróbecomes illustrator of himself: ’The Lizard with the Golden Feathers’ represents the accomplished fusion of image and poetic text, in a balanced coexistence of graphism and imagery.
In the illustrations of Maravillas con variaciones acrósticas en el jardin de Miró, the Catalan artist expresses himself with black marks and vivid colored spots with a strong visual impact. His ’Wonders’ are the perfect expression of that tireless imagination in creating shapes and drawings that resemble a mysterious and fascinating language. With the cycle Le Marteau sans maître Miró pays tribute to the poet René Chair, one of the most important voices in twentieth-century French literature. Again in this series Miró does not forgo color, but the choice of aquatint enhances not the brightness of the chromatics but a delicate, modulated porosity of the surfaces."
The exhibition opens daily from 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (until Sept. 30, then in October and November from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.). Last admission 45 minutes before closing. Tickets (which include a visit to Palazzo della Corgna and the Rocca del Leone): full 8 euros, reduced A 6 euros (for groups of at least 15 people and young people up to 25 years old), reduced B 3 euros (children and young people from 6 to 18 years old), Castiglione del Lago residents 4 euros, children up to 5 years old get in free. For more information you can visit the Palazzo della Corgna website. Hashtag of the exhibition: #MiroCastiglionedelLago.
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Miró's graphic works on display in Castiglione del Lago |
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