Milan, Maurizio Cannavacciuolo's solo exhibition at Galleria Bonelli and Galleria Pack

Galleria Bonelli and Galleria Pack in Milan are hosting Maurizio Cannavacciuolo's solo exhibition from Jan. 24 to Feb. 23, 2019.

From Jan. 24 to Feb. 23, 2019, Galleria Giovanni Bonelli and Galleria Pack in Milan are hosting a solo exhibition by Maurizio Cannavacciuolo (Naples, 1954), simply titled Maurizio Cannavacciuolo. The exhibition presents a selection of works created in recent years, together with a body of work specially conceived for this appointment.

On display at the Giovanni Bonelli Gallery are a dozen large-scale works (up to two meters by two meters) produced over the past four years, while at the PACK Gallery are three large-scale works (one canvas measuring two meters by ten and two of two meters by three) created with the exclusive use of the two colors black and white. Surrounded by anaura of esotericism, Cannavacciuolo has always constructed extremely elaborate works, mostly oil on canvas, in which the dense texture of the background conceals successive levels of narrative. Machine à penser or enigma are the most frequently used definitions for these works that are at once immediate yet extremely difficult to interpret, requiring time and patience to be read in every detail. Iconographic references range from Greek amphorae to Egyptian bas-reliefs to cartoonish stylizations, with some recurring elements such as insects, frogs, representations of bodies as anatomy studies, and the artist’s self-portrait.

Not insignificant throughout Cannavacciuolo’s production is the component of irony that the artist infuses into his works by disseminating them with visual deceptions and incongruous associations. The improbable juxtapositions of textures and subjects contribute to the scaffolding of a complex puzzle that the viewer finds himself analyzing, captivated by the visual impact so incisive, stark and captivating of the canvases made with impeccable precision.

Opening hours: at Bonelli Gallery, Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. At Pack Gallery, Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Saturday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Closed: Sunday and Monday. Free admission. For info: and

Pictured: Maurizio Cannavacciuolo, I love you (2014; oil and water enamel on canvas, 100 x 100 cm)

Milan, Maurizio Cannavacciuolo's solo exhibition at Galleria Bonelli and Galleria Pack
Milan, Maurizio Cannavacciuolo's solo exhibition at Galleria Bonelli and Galleria Pack

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