Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

From Jan. 30 to Feb. 27, 2021, the de' Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia is organizing the exhibition "Arte Fiera comes to the Gallery. Man, Nature and the Environment in the History of Art." On display are works by Antonio Ligabue, Renato Guttuso and Fausto Pirandello.

From January 30 to February 27, 2021, Galleria de’ Bonis in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition Arte Fiera Arrives in the Gallery. Man, Nature and the Environment in the History of Art, which stems from a nucleus of works collected for Arte Fiera, Bologna’s large and long-running modern and contemporary art exhibition-market that this year will be digital with the Playlist format. The exhibition focuses on the human-environment relationship through the works of three of the most important authors of 20th-century Italian painting: Renato Guttuso (Bagheria, 1911 - Rome, 1987), Antonio Ligabue (Zurich, 1899 - Gualtieri, 1965) and Fausto Pirandello(Rome, 1899 - Rome, 1975).

The exhibition alternates selected works by the three authors that explore the relationship between man and the environment based on the sensibility, experience and artistic-cultural background of each of them. Guttuso’s landscape shows the un-man-made land in all its grandeur and does so through the grandeur of Mount Rosa at sunset, a swell in Alghero, and a powerful eruption of MountEtna (Three People Watching Mount Etna Erupt). Ligabue depicts a wild nature inhabited only by animals: a tiger chasing two fawns, a fox fleeing with its prey in its teeth, a snail in the grass, but he also suggests that a harmonious dialogue between man and nature is possible(Sowing with Horses). Pirandello ranges from still lifes to the human figure, from objects without man, to man without objects. Among his works we find in the exhibition three oak trees moved by the wind, portrayed so freely as to seem like an abstraction, “unhinged” objects that have now lost their connection with man, but also pensive women in settings purified of any kind of object(Bathers).

“In these long months of limited mobility,” says gallery owner Stanislao de’ Bonis, “we have strongly felt the lack of nature and open spaces: this has led us to better examine the relationship between man and the environment, including through the works of Guttuso, Ligabue and Pirandello, the artists now most representative of our Gallery.”

The exhibition can be visited in the gallery, in compliance with ministerial decrees and current regulations, Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free admission. To ensure the possibility of viewing the works and exploring the project even at a distance, Galleria de’ Bonis has, in addition, studied some new forms and modes of fruition, online and offline, ranging from in-depth videos on social media to a video call guided tour, and even the work at home. In order to deepen the knowledge of the three artists and their pictorial research, every week, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, in-depth insights, images and unpublished videos will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels, with the presentation of the individual works curated by Stanislao de’ Bonis.

By calling +39 338 3731881 it will be possible to book a guided tour by video call, so as to delve into the most interesting aspects of the exhibition in the company of the gallerists, dwelling on the details of the paintings and the many stories and curiosities they hold, including the inscriptions and stamps on the back, the collecting history and any publications. Finally, for those who cannot travel to the Gallery, it will be possible to arrange an appointment to view the paintings directly at home, even outside the region. For information and reservations: tel. +39 0522 580605, cell. +39 338 3731881,,

Image: Antonio Ligabue, Fox on the Run (3rd period, 1952-1962; oil on faesite, 43 x 40.5 cm)

Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis
Ligabue, Guttuso, Pirandello: three artists on display at Reggio Emilia's Galleria de' Bonis

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