Legos as mosaic tiles. Forever Young by Riccardo Zangelmi

As part of RavennaMosaic 2019, the MAR in Ravenna is hosting Riccardo Zangelmi's solo exhibition, Forever Young.

As part of RavennaMosaic 2019, the MAR - Ravenna City Art Museum proposes Forever Young, the exhibition by Riccardo Zangelmi (Reggio Emilia, 1981), which can be visited from October 5, 2019 to January 12, 2020.

In the spaces of the Loggetta Lombardesca, Zangelmi, the first and only Italian LEGO® Certified Professional in a small group of 14 people in the world, will present for the first time a solo exhibition in a public museum. Twenty works made with about 800,000 colored bricks will be on display with the artist’s intent to bring out the child hiding in everyone through objects and fantasies related to the world of childhood.

The mosaic concept is reproposed in two-dimensional works, sculptures and design objects characterized by a playful irony: Lego bricks thus become the ancient mosaic tiles, in a Pop version.

"In this exhibition we find Hope, the most precious of aspirations, innate in every child, or Ask the Stars, which depicts a universe of dreams in which to immerse oneself and search for the most important one, and which tells my story of a child lost among Lego bricks, with the desire to find a way," said the artist.

For the Ravenna exhibition, Zangelmi has created a Dante Alighieri that will be part of the MAR’s permanent collections.

Forever Young is curated by Davide Caroli.

For info:

Hours: Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday and holidays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Tickets: Full 9 euros, reduced 7 euros. Free for children up to 14 years.

Image: Riccardo Zangelmi, Child (2017).

Legos as mosaic tiles. Forever Young by Riccardo Zangelmi
Legos as mosaic tiles. Forever Young by Riccardo Zangelmi

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