In Salzburg, an exhibition celebrates the centenary of ibex reintroduction in Austria

In the Salzburg region of Austria, Hohenwerfen Castle is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the reintroduction of the ibex to the Eastern Alps with an exhibition.

In the Salzburg region of Austria, Hohenwerfen Castle, in cooperation with the Salzburg Hunting Society and the Salzburg State Falconry, is presenting a special exhibition entitled 100 Years of Ibex in Austria, set up in the vault of the castle’s casemates, which can be visited until November 2024.

The exhibition celebrates the 100th anniversary of the reintroduction of the ibex to the Eastern Alps and aims to raise public awareness of species conservation and wildlife handling, themes already central to the daily raptor flight demonstrations at the castle.

The Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) is known for its spectacular climbing skills and fascinating appearance. Historically, its low fear of humans made it easy prey, and in the Middle Ages, every part of its body was used for supposed healing properties, particularly the “heart cross,” a hardened cartilage from the cardiac valve, which was believed to make the wearer invulnerable. Around 1700 the ibex was nearly extinct in the western and eastern Alps. It was not until 1924, with reintroduction in the Blühnbach Valley, that repopulation began in the eastern Alps.

The exhibition offers a wide range of exhibits, including an ibex specimen, a bronze statue of an ibex, and a find of an approximately 9,000-year-old ibex skull. In addition, visitors can enrich the experience by trying to estimate the age of female and male ibex horns.

This initiative is an opportunity to learn more about ibex and reflect on the importance of species conservation, helping to preserve the biodiversity of the Alps.

Admission to the exhibition is included in the castle entrance fee

For info:

Exhibition set up
Exhibition set up
Exhibition set up
Exhibition set up

In Salzburg, an exhibition celebrates the centenary of ibex reintroduction in Austria
In Salzburg, an exhibition celebrates the centenary of ibex reintroduction in Austria

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