In Reggio Emilia portraits of women in the 20th century, from Guttuso to Campigli

The de' Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition One, None, One Hundred Thousand. Portraits of Women in the Twentieth Century. March 7 to 28, 2020

From March 7 to 28, 2020, the de’ Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia presents the exhibition One, None, One Hundred Thousand. Portraits of Women in the Twentieth Century.

Women have been the protagonists of numerous works of art, in painting, sculpture and photography: portraits of women with an identity, portraits of faceless women, geometrically decomposed female figures, allegorical figures, ironic women, romantic women.

On display will be works by Fausto Pirandello, son of the famous Luigi, from whose novel the title of the exhibition is taken. Bodies and faces with dense, penetrating brushstrokes and marked physicality.

Renato Guttuso will be present with his female figures, from the very sweet portrait of his wife to the sensual depictions of Marta Marzotto, to the unusual London Girl, a portrait of Allegra Grome (daughter of his painter friend John Grome), to Paoletta, one of his most famous models.

Also on view to the public will be Mario Tozzi’s Mysterious Figures, geometrized and distant women, almost symbolic figures; Massimo Campigli’s Figura di donna, a hieratic and solemn painting characterized by a refined choice of colors ranging from light blue, to burgundy, to gold.

There will be no shortage of a contemporary section, with female paintings by artists with whom the gallery has worked: Hyena for photography, Massimo Lagrotteria and Andrea Saltini for painting, and Marco Mengozzi for sculpture.

For info:

Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m.; Thursday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Free admission

Image: Massimo Campigli, Figura di donna (1964; oil on canvas, 65 x 50 cm)

In Reggio Emilia portraits of women in the 20th century, from Guttuso to Campigli
In Reggio Emilia portraits of women in the 20th century, from Guttuso to Campigli

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