In Praise of Fake Flowers. Bertozzi & Casoni revisit the flowers of Giorgio Morandi

Through Jan. 6, 2020, the Morandi Museum is hosting the exhibition In Praise of Fake Flowers. Bertozzi & Casoni revisit the flowers of the Bolognese master.

Until January 6, 2020, the Museo Morandi in Bologna is offering In Praise of Fake Flowers with which it aims to show how the artistic duo Bertozzi & Casoni filtered the lesson of the great master Giorgio Morandi.

The exhibition is part of the museum’s path of enhancing its collection through a program of temporary exhibition projects aimed at juxtaposing Morandi’s art with the work of artists who have been inspired by him, realizing their own vision of the Bolognese master’s production.

The artistic duo ’s attention turned to some famous paintings depicting vases of flowers and the related models that can be admired in the Morandi Museum: the artist was not looking at the fresh flower, destined to change every day, but at the silk or dried flower that maintains its state unchanged. Bertozzi & Casoni, interested in the floral theme, were inspired by these to make ceramic flowers.

The three works offered in the exhibition are thus a careful and personal reinterpretation from which come true d’après Morandi, after the famous ones by Gio Ponti that more than seventy years ago repurposed pierced, bejeweled, masked and buttoned bottles.

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In Praise of Fake Flowers. Bertozzi & Casoni revisit the flowers of Giorgio Morandi
In Praise of Fake Flowers. Bertozzi & Casoni revisit the flowers of Giorgio Morandi

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