In Foligno, Vettor Pisani's magical beliefs in an anthological exhibition

From June 9 to September 22, 2024, the Ciac in Foligno presents an anthological exhibition by Vettor Pisani. The exhibition presents more than 50 works developed according to a vision of art inspired by myth

Ciac, Centro Italiano Arte Contemporanea, in Foligno dedicates an anthological exhibition to Vettor Pisani (Bari, 1934 - Rome, 2011), one of the most representative artists of contemporary art between the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The exhibition entitled Vettor Pisani. Journey to the Edge of the Mind, can be visited from June 9 to September 22, 2024 and is curated by Italo Tomassoni. The exhibition is promoted and supported by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno; it is organized in collaboration with Maggioli Cultura e Turismo. The exhibition includes more than 50 masterpieces, including works from the 1970s and those of later production. In particular, materials related to "The Androgyne. Human Flesh and Gold," 1971, in the realization presented in Rome in the historic exhibition “Contemporanea” in 1973, and those related to "Stories of Heroes. The Murdered Part," 1975. The exhibition also presents a polyptych of 8 works by Vettor Pisani reassembled as an inverted pyramid by Mimma Pisani in 2012.

Vettor Pisani developed a vision of art inspired by myth and the magical and religious beliefs of Hermeticism and doctrines prior to Christianity, creating visionary works that address the problem of truth in art and the great themes of existence. His language spans art history and, in particular, criticism ofSymbolist art in Central Europe. Critical and revisionist towards the historical avant-gardes, he finds inspiration in the thought of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the poetry of Novalis and Von Kleist, the painting of Boeklin, Khnopff, Moreau, as well as the culture of alchemy and psychoanalysis. Of the contemporary he critically shares the works of Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys, Ives Klein and Gino de Dominicis. The works come from various collections and, for the most conspicuous part, from the collection of the Fondazione Morra in Naples, the Museo Vettor Pisani in Caggiano and the Pieroni-Stiefelmeier collection in Rome, but also from the Jacorossi Collection in Rome, Cardelli and Fontana in Sarzana, and the Paneghini Collection in Busto Arsizio. A large collection of catalogs, photographs, documents and unpublished materials will accompany the exhibition. A special documentary section to the memory is dedicated to the publications of Mimma Pisani, wife, inspirer, profound critic and sometimes performer of the artist. Also on display are testimonies provided by Luciana Pisani, Vettor’s sister and, herself, his faithful performer.

Exhibition layouts
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Exhibition layouts
Exhibition layouts

In Foligno, Vettor Pisani's magical beliefs in an anthological exhibition
In Foligno, Vettor Pisani's magical beliefs in an anthological exhibition

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