In Colorno, a photo exhibition dedicated to Alberto Sordi and the characters in his films

From August 26 to November 7, 2022, MUPAC in Colorno is dedicating a photography exhibition to Alberto Sordi, bringing together images taken on the sets of many of his films.

On Friday, August 26 at MUPAC - Museum of Land and River Landscapes in Colorno, the 3M Foundation photographic exhibition entitled L’umanità fragile, dedicated to Alberto Sordi, will be inaugurated. Produced in partnership with ColornoPhotoLife, the photography festival organized by Color’s Light, the exhibition brings together images taken on the sets of many films in which the Roman actor starred, bringing out his ability to stage, through his famous characters, the anthropological characteristics of theaverage Italian since the postwar period. All the works, which will be on public view until Nov. 7, 2022, belong to the 3M Foundation archive.

Photography proves to be an effective medium in emphasizing Alberto Sordi’s gestures, postures and looks: through these shots, one enters the world of his characters, from Sasà Scimoni to Ubaldo Impallato and Antonio Mombelli. Behind the stern gaze of the maestro in Bravissimo and the bold gaze of the mature provincial in Il diavolo, the emphatic expressions of the incapable entrepreneur in Il boom and the tragically displaced normality of which the protagonist of Il mafioso is the victim, lies a fragile humanity that laughs even when it should not, fantasizes about feats it will not carry out and obeys the most conventional bourgeois directives.

The exhibition will be presented by Daniela Aleggiani, Vice President and General Secretary of 3M Foundation, on Friday, Aug. 26, at 9 p.m. inside the Aranciaia at MUPAC in Colorno. Set up at the museum, it will be open to the public with free admission every Saturday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon and 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.

For info:

In Colorno, a photo exhibition dedicated to Alberto Sordi and the characters in his films
In Colorno, a photo exhibition dedicated to Alberto Sordi and the characters in his films

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