In Catania an exhibition dedicated to Pablo Echaurren

Catania dedicates an exhibition to Pablo Echaurren. The artist proposes Soft Wall: the wall becomes a privileged instrument of communication.

Kicking off Nov. 24 at Palazzo Platamone - Palazzo della Cultura in Catania at the exhibition dedicated to Pablo Echaurren"Soft Wall."

The exhibition, curated by Francesca Mezzano, promoted and realized by the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro-Italia e Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Municipality of Catania, will offer a review on the theme of the artist’s constant dialogue with the expressions of communication, such as metropolitan graffiti art, the lively use of colors, and art as a tool of (counter)information.

Until Jan. 14, 2018, works that refer to metropolitan graffiti, collages that reproduce posters, ads, signs, signage, and the “wall-to-wall paintings” in which the symbolic alphabet of erased wall lettering is used will be on display.
Maps, stickers, tickets, travel mementos will also be found.

The curator states, “Pablo Echaurren’s art is born to speak to the community. He does so without fences, experimenting with every possible form of expression; he uses the sign, the writing, the stencil, the lettering, and the word as a common language, nullifying any distinction between high and low, in the constant search for an attunement with present history, with its problems, and its criticalities hidden from the common gaze. And he does so by always expressing himself through a vivid and incandescent imagery that can translate a political and moral instance into art. What Pablo himself called ”the mural question."

The wall becomes a privileged medium for the communication of what the artist wants to affirm: that same wall on which urban society writes through the years its own history becomes in fact the protagonist of Echaurren’s artistic research, whether it is a “soft” wall, made of canvas, or a real shred of city wall.

Hours: Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Mondays.

Free admission.

Image: Pablo Echaurren, You are here (1989; acrylic on canvas, 100x180 cm; Rome, Fondazione Echaurren Salaris) © Massimiliano Ruta

In Catania an exhibition dedicated to Pablo Echaurren
In Catania an exhibition dedicated to Pablo Echaurren

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