In Bologna, the solo exhibition of Jean François Migno at the Museo Civico Medievale

La forza del colore di Jean François Migno, the French artist’s solo exhibition curated by Graziano Campanini and Riccardo Betti hosted at the Museo Civico Medievale until September 8, 2019, has been inaugurated.

The large canvases of Jean François Migno (Chatou, 1955) are almost a diary of his life: in fact, they present an intimate language, made of colors and matter, characterized by the impulse and emotionality that is connected, more often than not, to the deepest sphere of theego.

The white, pure space comes into contact with concentrations and convergences of spots of color that leave breath, to the surface, only in the highest and lowest part of the canvas ( Passages series). A congestion of space, matter and color that brings this pictorial series close to the great car crashes of the American sculptor John Chamberlain. Once again then, Migno’s painting, tries to break out of the support by attempting to unhinge the “normal” fruition of the work.

Migno works on large formats, and the artist himself states, “the physical relationship with rather large formats, induces considerable carnal engagement as much as emotional and intellectual.”

Some important works, such as Grand rouge, unleash a sensual physicality of color giving rise to a kind of “spirituality” of the work. We speak of spirituality not by chance, precisely because some of Jean François’ works have strong references to the experiences of the Gutai group. The aim of this avant-garde movement, which originated in Japan in the early 1950s, was to concretize the spirituality of matter. This is what happens on Migno’s canvas: a textural surface full of lumps, acrylics and paper cuttings, originates an intense dance of color.

For all information you can call +39 051 2193930, send an email to or visit

Pictured: Jean François Migno, Grand rouge (2016; mixed media, acrylic and casein, 130 x 194 cm)

Source: press release

In Bologna, the solo exhibition of Jean François Migno at the Museo Civico Medievale
In Bologna, the solo exhibition of Jean François Migno at the Museo Civico Medievale

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