In Anghiari, an exhibition on the... Battle of Anghiari, to remember the genius of Leonardo da Vinci

From Sept. 9, 2019 to Jan. 12, 2020, the Museum of the Battle of Anghiari is hosting the exhibition 'The Art of Government and the Battle of Anghiari.

A big exhibition for a small village: the urban center and territory of Anghiari are hosting an important event that is part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci (Vinci, 1452 - 1519). In fact, from September 1 to January 12, 2020, the Museum of the Battle of Anghiari will host the exhibition The Art of Government and the Battle of Anghiari, aimed at presenting the history of the Battle of Anghiari as never before in Italy. A dual tour will take visitors on a journey to discover the work of Leonardo da Vinci and the great figures who determined the historical context of the Battle of Anghiari.

The exhibition looks at the Italian Quattrocento with the intention of highlighting the political and military dynamics, the relationships between the protagonists and the governing bodies, and to establish a dialogue with the public in which the politics “of state” in the period of the Battle of Anghiari is recounted. The relationships in the art of government between Cosimo il Vecchio, Pope Eugene IV, Neri Capponi, Niccolò Piccinino, Filippo Maria Visconti and Francesco Sforza, visually told through their portraits, will illustrate the context, thus providing an ideal historical introduction to the exceptional nature of the artistic event Battle of Anghiari.

In this context, Leonardo da Vinci’s work is highly effective in highlighting the “discord, or vo’ dire pazzia bestialissima” that pervades relations between Italian cities at that time. On display will be the two most significant 16th-century polychrome works attesting to the fortune of Leonardo da Vinci’s work for the lost Battle of Anghiari, namely the important Episode of the Standard preserved at the Horne Museum in Florence, and the famous Tavola Doria, a testimony recently attributed to Francesco Morandini known as "il Poppi."

The exhibition of the works and portraits will be accompanied by augmented reality experiences on Leonardo Da Vinci’s drawings to promote accessibility to information.

For all information you can call +39 0575 787023 or visit

Source: release

In Anghiari, an exhibition on the... Battle of Anghiari, to remember the genius of Leonardo da Vinci
In Anghiari, an exhibition on the... Battle of Anghiari, to remember the genius of Leonardo da Vinci

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