In 2025, the Reggia di Venaria will celebrate the Magnificent Collections of the Genoa of the Doges with a hundred works

In the spring of 2025, the Reggia di Venaria will welcome a hundred works including paintings, sculptures, silverware and furnishings from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to celebrate the Magnificent Collections of the Genoa of the Doges, the city's golden age.

Venaria Reale announces for spring 2025, from early April until September, an exhibition dedicated to Magnificent Collections. Art and Power in the Genoa of the Doges, produced in collaboration with the National Museums of Genoa - Palazzo Spinola and the National Gallery of Liguria. For the occasion, some works belonging to the precious collections housed in Genoa’s Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria will arrive at the Reggia di Venaria, in the Sale delle Arti, together with the most recent acquisitions of the Musei Nazionali di Genova and works on loan from other museum institutions and private collections.

One hundred works that will include paintings, sculpture, silver and furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries, in an exhibition itinerary that will allow the public to admire masterpieces by Peter Paul Rubens, Antoon Van Dyck, Orazio Gentileschi, Guido Reni, Carlo Maratta, and Luca Giordano, as well as artists such as Hyacinthe Rigaud and Angelica Kauffman. Also featured will be the most celebrated exponents of the Genoese school of painting, including Bernardo Strozzi, Domenico Piola, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione known as Grechetto, and Gregorio De Ferrari.

The exhibition will recount not only the art collections of the palace, now a museum, but also the golden age of Genoa: in particular, the city’s central role during the Baroque age, when it was a republic ruled by doges, a symbol of royalty and magnificence.

The event is part of Venaria Reale’s larger project dedicated to exploring the history, art and culture of the courts, continuing to celebrate their grandeur and pomp.

Peter Paul Rubens, Portrait of Giovan Carlo Doria on Horseback (c. 1607-1608; Genoa, Musei Nazionali di Genova - Galleria Nazionale della Liguria)
Peter Paul Rubens, Portrait of Giovan Carlo Doria on Horseback (c. 1607-1608; Genoa, Musei Nazionali di Genova - Galleria Nazionale della Liguria)

In 2025, the Reggia di Venaria will celebrate the Magnificent Collections of the Genoa of the Doges with a hundred works
In 2025, the Reggia di Venaria will celebrate the Magnificent Collections of the Genoa of the Doges with a hundred works

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