Grizzana, works by Giorgio Morandi on display. Sgarbi: Soon some works on permanent display in his House

At Casa Morandi in Grizzana, the house where the artist used to spend the summer, some of the master's works are back on display until August 20. Undersecretary for Culture Sgarbi announced that Casa Morandi will soon have some of the artist's works permanently assigned to it.

Until Aug. 20, 2023 in the Morandi House in Grizzana (Bologna) works by Morandi return to the house where the artist used to spend the summer and where he created some of his most famous works. Original works by the artist have not been seen in Grizzana for several years, but now, following the major upgrades to facilities and services promoted by the Grizzana Morandi municipal administration and on the occasion of the exhibition Giorgio Morandi. Return to Grizzana, curated by Marilena Pasquali, under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Region and in collaboration with the Giorgio Morandi Study Center of Bologna, four of the painter’s Landscapes can be admired in the museum spaces of the third Fienile del Campiaro: a very rare canvas from 1934, two masterpiece-landscapes from the war years and a particularly significant painting from his last season.

Forty etchings, engraved by him over a period of forty years beginning in the 1910s, complete the exhibition. The etchings come from the collection of Alberto Marcelletti, as well as from the collection of the Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna.

“There are indisputable facts and indissoluble ties. Such is Giorgio Morandi’s relationship with Grizzana, a reality that is sometimes suppressed, almost put in the background; sometimes, on the contrary, even exaggerated,” said the curator. “But there is no need to tread lightly, to invent things that are not true to emphasize the relationship that unites the artist with this land as rough and bright as his art.”

Yesterday Undersecretary for Culture Vittorio Sgarbi stopped by the Grizzana house-museum and announced that soon Casa Morandi will be able to count on thepermanent assignment of some of the great master’s works. “In the coming weeks,” Sgarbi explained, “I will convene a meeting at the Mic with the director of Mambo and the regional councillor for Culture to start the process that will allow the transfer of some of Morandi’s works to Grizzana.”

Pictured. Giorgio Morandi in the garden of Casa Morandi in Grizzana.

Giorgio Morandi. Return to Grizzana, curated by Marilena Pasquali, under the patronage of the Emilia-Romagna Region and in collaboration with the Giorgio Morandi Study Center of Bologna.

Grizzana, works by Giorgio Morandi on display. Sgarbi: Soon some works on permanent display in his House
Grizzana, works by Giorgio Morandi on display. Sgarbi: Soon some works on permanent display in his House

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