Giuliano da Sangallo's drawings on display at the Uffizi.

An exhibition of Giuliano da Sangallo's drawings opens at the Uffizi, Florence. It will last until August 20, 2017.

Opening to the public today at the Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe of the Uffizi (Edoardo Detti Room and Sala Del Camino) is the exhibition Giuliano da Sangallo. Drawings from the Uffizi, which displays an important graphic nucleus by Giuliano da Sangallo (Giuliano Giamberi, Florence, c. 1445 - 1516), one of the best-known architects of the mature Renaissance, a contemporary of Leonardo da Vinci and Bramante, and active at the courts of Lorenzo the Magnificent and Popes Julius II and Leo X. The drawings chosen by the curators (Dario Donetti, Marzia Faietti and Sabine Frommel) are intended not only to profile Giuliano da Sangallo’s art, but also to investigate the graphic techniques prevalent in the period covered by the exhibition (the last decades of the 15th and early 16th centuries).

On display are drawings for military architecture, but also for projects intended for the cities in which Giuliano da Sangallo worked as well as designs for churches (such as that for the facade of the church of San Lorenzo in Florence, or that for the plan of the basilica of St. Peter’s): works that testify to his inclusion in the highest cultural and economic circles of the time, but also to his keen interest in antiquity, which places him as a direct continuator of the work of the greats who preceded him (such as Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti). Giuliano da Sangallo’s folios will also be joined by a wooden model from Palazzo Strozzi.

“Giuliano da Sangallo’s graphic eloquence,” reads the exhibition’s presentation, “returns, in the artifacts on display, a seductive image of Renaissance architecture: erudite, refined and eminently designed, in a personal sense of a return to the ancient, which is also of his built work.” The exhibition is also accompanied by a rich monographic catalog, published by Giunti, which aims to review the entire corpus historically attributed to Giuliano da Sangallo: a good opportunity to also reread his role within the cultural milieu of the era in which he lived.

The exhibition will remain open until August 20, 2017, and can be visited with the Uffizi entrance ticket (full euro 13, reduced euro 6.50 for EU citizens between 18 and 25 years old, free for under 18, disabled and accompanying person, teachers and students of architecture, cultural heritage, science ofrmation, letters with an archaeological or historical-artistic address, teachers in service at public or equal schools). Open Tuesday through Sunday 8:15 a.m.-6:50 p.m. Ticket office closes at 6:05 p.m.

Image: Giuliano da Sangallo, Facade Project for the Church of San Lorenzo in Florence (Stylus, compass, black stone, pen and ink, brush and diluted ink on paper; Florence, Uffizi Galleries, Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe)

Giuliano da Sangallo's drawings on display at the Uffizi.
Giuliano da Sangallo's drawings on display at the Uffizi.

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