Giovanni Segantini and the mountains: an exhibition in Aosta

An exhibition on Giovanni Segantini and the mountain painters will open in Aosta on Saturday, April 8. At the Regional Archaeological Museum.

Opening to the public on Saturday, April 8, at the Regional Archaeological Museum in Aosta is the exhibition Giovanni Segantini and the Mountain Painters, dedicated to the great exponent of the Divisionist painter and about fifty other artists of the time who grappled with the theme of the mountain, one of Segantini’s favorite subjects: from Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo to Fortunato Depero via Vittore Grubicy, Baldassarre Longoni, Carlo Fornara, Lorenzo Delleani, Cesare Maggi and others.

The exhibition, curated by Filippo Timo and Daniela Magnetti, will be divided into seven sections, each dedicated to different subjects. One section will be entirely devoted to Segantini’s works, the next five will focus on summer views, scenes of rural and peasant life, man-made landscapes, alpine memories, lakes, sunsets and night scenes, and views of the great snowy landscapes. Finally, the last part of the exhibition will feature works by Italo Mus, one of the leading 20th-century painters from Valle d’Aosta, whose 50th anniversary of his death falls this year.

The exhibition will remain open until Sunday, Sept. 24. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Entrance fee €6, reduced €4, free for under 18s and schools. Catalog published by Skira.

Image: Giovanni Segantini, The Return from the Pasture (1880-1882; Private collection)

Giovanni Segantini and the mountains: an exhibition in Aosta
Giovanni Segantini and the mountains: an exhibition in Aosta

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