Genoa, a major exhibition on nostalgia at Palazzo Ducale with 120 works

From April 25 to Sept. 1, 2024, the exhibition "Nostalgia: the Modern Sentiment from the Renaissance to the Contemporary" is being held at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa. The exhibition explores the theme starting with a precious volume from 1688.

The Palazzo Ducale in Genoa presents the exhibition Nostalgia: modern feeling from the Renaissance to the contemporary, open from April 25 to September 1, 2024 in the Appartamento del Doge. Curated by Matteo Fochessati in collaboration with Anna Vyazemtseva, the exhibition is produced by the Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura and is part of the initiatives of Genova Capitale Italiana del Libro.

The exhibition includes over one hundred and twenty works spanning the figurative arts from the 15th century to the Contemporary, exploring the theme of nostalgia in various forms of expression. Among the masterpieces on display, from renowned Italian and international museums and private collections, are works by Albrecht Dürer, Luca Giordano, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Francesco Hayez, Giovanni Boldini, Evelyn De Morgan, Giacomo Balla, Giorgio De Chirico, Florence Henri, Lucio Fontana, Yves Klein and Anish Kapoor. The exhibition kicks off with the valuable volume Dissertatio medica de Nostalgia from 1688, from the Library of the University of Basel, in which physician Johannes Hofer describes nostalgia as a common pathology among Swiss soldiers during their military services. The exhibition, based on his work, explores nostalgia through various eras and perspectives. Through paintings, sculptures, decorative arts and more, the exhibition offers a comprehensive overview of this universal feeling, analyzing its philosophical and cultural nuances.

Nostalgia is accompanied by a catalog published by Electa Mondadori that traces the development of the exhibition through photographic documentation and contributions dedicated to the theme of nostalgia, including critical texts by historian Ferdinando Fasce, sociologist Paolo Jedlowski, literary critic and poet Antonio Prete, historian of modern French culture Thomas Dodman, and art and architecture historian Tim Benton.

“Nostalgia, and its ’sentimental’ dimension, seem unfashionable today; perhaps because of the fast pace of daily life subject to incessant media stimulation in the dizzying digital connection, or because the value of the new together with the need to be in step with the times transforms the idea of looking ’backward’ of opening up to other spaces into a loss of progress. We are all in pursuit of new emotions forgetting the value of past ones, which is why the choice of Palazzo Ducale to present and produce an exhibition on Nostalgia in art through five centuries with its articulated and profound dimension becomes an important sign, the will to give space to a time of thought in a society focused only on change,” explains Ilaria Bonacossa, director of Palazzo Ducale

Cristoforo Marzaroli, Nostalgia (1864, plaster; Parma, Complesso Monumentale della Pilotta, inv. 973)
Cristoforo Marzaroli, Nostalgia (1864, plaster; Parma, Complesso Monumentale della Pilotta, inv. 973)
Thomas Walch, Homesickness (ca. 1930; oil on canvas; Bolzano, Bolzano Savings Bank Foundation)
Thomas Walch, Nostalgia of Home (ca. 1930; oil on canvas; Bolzano, Bolzano Savings Bank Foundation)
Ruggero Alfredo Michahelles, Ile de Cythère (1933; oil on panel; Viareggio, Fondazione Centro Matteucci per l'Arte Moderna)
Ruggero Alfredo Michahelles, Ile de Cythère (1933; oil on panel; Viareggio, Fondazione Centro Matteucci per l’Arte Moderna)
Giorgio De Chirico, Two Mythological Figures (Nus antiques, mythological composition) (1927; oil on canvas; Rovereto, Mart, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Trento and Rovereto) © Mart Photographic and Mediatheque Archive
Giorgio De Chirico, Two Mythological Figures (Nus antiques, mythological composition) (1927; oil on canvas; Rovereto, Mart, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Trento and Rovereto) © Mart Photographic and Mediatheque Archive
Roger Seassal, Ideal Reconstruction of Ancient Ostia and Trajan's Harbor (1922; tempera on canvas paper; Miami, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, on loan from Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, Genoa)
Roger Seassal, Ideal Reconstruction of Ancient Ostia and Trajan’s Harbor (1922; tempera on canvas paper; Miami, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, on loan from Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, Genoa)
Michele Busiri Vici, Maquette of the Italian Pavilion at the New York World's Fair (1939, painted wood, plastic; Genoa, Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, inv. GX 1993.231) Photo; Giampaolo Cavalieri
Michele Busiri Vici, Maquette of the Italian Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair (1939; painted wood, plastic; Genoa, Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, inv. GX 1993.231) Photo; Giampaolo Cavalieri
Gerhard Munthe, The Daughters of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) (1920s on 1892 drawing; cotton and wool tapestry; Miami Beach, The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, inv. TD1993.132.1)
Gerhard Munthe, The Daughters of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) (1920s on 1892 drawing; cotton and wool tapestry; Miami Beach, The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, inv. TD1993.132.1)
Studio Coppedè, Perspective of the Conte Grande Staircase (1926-28; watercolor on paper; Genoa, Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, inv. GX1993.487)
Studio Coppedè, Perspective of the Conte Grande Staircase (1926-28; watercolor on paper; Genoa, Wolfsoniana - Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, inv. GX1993.487)
Galileo Chini, The Nostalgic Hour on the Mè-Nam (1912-1913; oil on canvas; Tortona, Il Divisionismo - Fondazione CR Tortona)
Galileo Chini, The Nostalgic Hour on the Mè-Nam (1912-1913; oil on canvas; Tortona, Il Divisionismo - Fondazione CR Tortona)
Amedeo Bocchi, Fior di loto (1905; oil on canvas; Parma, Art Collection of the City of Parma)
Amedeo Bocchi, Fior di loto (1905; oil on canvas; Parma, City of Parma Art Collection)
Miriam Tindall Smith, Screen Door (1935; oil on canvas; Miami Beach, The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, inv. TD1991.133.2)
Miriam Tindall Smith, Screen Door (1935; oil on canvas; Miami Beach, The Wolfsonian-Florida International University, The Mitchell Wolfson Jr. Collection, inv. TD1991.133.2)
Francesco Hayez, Portrait of Carlo Prayer in the Character of Alp (The Venetian Renegade) (oil on canvas; Piacenza, Courtesy ED Gallery)
Francesco Hayez, Portrait of Carlo Prayer in the Character of Alp (The Venetian Renegade) (oil on canvas; Piacenza, Courtesy ED Gallery)
Felice Carena, The Stillness (1922-24; oil on canvas; Bank of Italy, inv. No. 20282)
Felice Carena, The Stillness (1922-24; oil on canvas; Bank of Italy, inv. No. 20282)
Lucio Fontana, Spatial Concept. Waiting (1959; watercolor on canvas; Rovereto, Mart, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trent and Rovereto; Deposit private collection, MART 2317) © Mart Photographic and Media Archive.
Lucio Fontana, Spatial Concept. Waiting (1959; watercolor on canvas; Rovereto, Mart, Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto; Deposit private collection, MART 2317) © Mart Photographic and Media Archive
Sexto Canegallo, Mirror of Water. Melancholy (1925; oil on canvas; Genoa, Private Collection). Courtesy of Galleria Arte Casa
Sexto Canegallo, Mirror of Water. Melancholy (1925; oil on canvas; Genoa, Private Collection). Courtesy of Galleria Arte Casa
Federico Angeli, Lady on Horseback with Chivalric Procession (1931; tempera grassa on canvas; Sella SGR Collection)
Federico Angeli, Lady on Horseback with Chivalric Procession (1931; tempera grassa on canvas; Sella SGR Collection)
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, L'Odyssée - Odysseus (1842-1856; oil on canvas pasted on wood, 61.3 x 55 cm; Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, inv. B 1305-b) © Lyon MBA. Photo: Alain Basset
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, L’Odyssée - Odysseus (1842-1856; oil on canvas pasted on wood, 61.3 x 55 cm; Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, inv. B 1305-b) © Lyon MBA. Photo: Alain Basset

Genoa, a major exhibition on nostalgia at Palazzo Ducale with 120 works
Genoa, a major exhibition on nostalgia at Palazzo Ducale with 120 works

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