From Picasso to De Chirico, here are the artists of the Rome Opera House.

An exhibition on the relationship between art and the Opera House is coming to Rome. Artists such as Picasso, Guttuso, De Chirico, Burri and others will be featured.

The Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi will host the exhibition “Artists at the Opera. The Teatro dell’Opera di Roma on the Frontier of Art from Picasso to Kentridge (1881-2017),” an exhibition exploring the relationship between art and the Teatro dell’Opera.

Curated by Gianluca Farinelli with Antonio Bigini and Rosaria Gioia, the event will put on display costumes, small unusual masterpieces, sketches, figurines, and maquettes all created by the greatest artists of the 20th century: from Pablo Picasso to Renato Guttuso, from Giorgio De Chirico to Afro, from Alberto Burri to Giacomo Manzù, from Mario Ceroli to Arnaldo Pomodoro, and finally to William Kentridge. All works are drawn from the collection of the Opera House Archives, which includes more than 60 thousand costumes and 11 thousand sketches and figurines. The exhibition will also make available archival footage and projections by theIstituto Luce.

The exhibition is also a journey through the history of the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, following both the great titles of our opera house and works outside the usual repertoires. The exhibition also aims to give space to the work of the workers, recreated with a clever play of staging, so as to overturn the normal perspective.

The exhibition will run from November 17, 2017 to March 11, 2018.
Hours: Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed on Mondays.
Ticket price: full € 9; reduced € 7 (ticket office closes at 6 p.m.). For information you can call 060608 (daily 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.) or visit Catalog published by Electa. Hashtag: #artistiallopera. The exhibition is promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Crescita culturale - Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Fondazione Teatro dell’Opera di Roma in collaboration with Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna. The organizers thank the Istituto Luce and the collaboration of SIAE.

From Picasso to De Chirico, here are the artists of the Rome Opera House.
From Picasso to De Chirico, here are the artists of the Rome Opera House.

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