For its centenary, Liverpool Cathedral hosts a solo exhibition by Anish Kapoor

To mark its centenary, Liverpool Cathedral is presenting "Monadic Singularity," a solo exhibition by Anish Kapoor, until Sept. 15, 2024. It is the artist's first inside a British cathedral.

On the occasion of its centenary, Liverpool Cathedral presents until September 15, 2024 Monadic Singularity, an exhibition dedicated to internationally renowned artist Anish Kapoor (Mumbai, 1954). The exhibition is Kapoor’s first solo show inside a British cathedral and represents his return to Liverpool in more than four decades, since his exhibition at the Walker Art Gallery in 1983.

Liverpool Cathedral, the largest in the United Kingdom, presents itself as an ideal venue for this journey through works created by Kapoor over the past 25 years, some of which have never been exhibited in the United Kingdom. The Cathedral’s monumental spaces host, among other works, a large installation in the Well, a symbol of our passage on Earth. The exhibition dialogues perfectly with the building’s Gothic architecture, including a wax sculpture displayed in the main area and another work placed in the Lady Chapel. To make the experience even more exciting, the Cathedral is organizing exclusive nighttime openings.

“It is an honor that Anish Kapoor has chosen to collaborate with Liverpool Cathedral in this momentous year. As one of the leading figures in contemporary art, he is distinguished by a unique visual language that embraces painting, sculpture and architectural forms. Arousing both wonder and unease, Kapoor’s artworks transcend their materiality; we hope they will resonate on a deeply physical and emotional level for our audience,” said Elisa Nocente, cultural program manager at Liverpool Cathedral and curator of the exhibition.

This exhibition is made possible by the generous support of Culture Liverpool and the Liverpool BID Company.

Anish Kapoor. Sectional Body Preparing for Monadic Singularity , 2015. Photo by D. Saulnier. Interior view: Jonathan Leijonhufvud. © Anish Kapoor. All rights reserved, DACS 2024
Anish Kapoor. Sectional Body Preparing for Monadic Singularity, 2015. Photo by D. Saulnier. Interior view: Jonathan Leijonhufvud. © Anish Kapoor. All rights reserved, DACS 2024

For its centenary, Liverpool Cathedral hosts a solo exhibition by Anish Kapoor
For its centenary, Liverpool Cathedral hosts a solo exhibition by Anish Kapoor

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