Flavio Orlando's solo exhibition in Rome recounts feelings about everyday experiences

From June 12 to July 17, 2024, Contemporary Cluster gallery in Rome presents Flavio Orlando's solo exhibition. As well as all his research, the artist dwells on the experiences of everyday life.

Rome ’s Contemporary Cluster gallery presents Tappa fissa, a solo exhibition by Flavio Orlando, curated by Niccolò Giacomazzi, which will open Wednesday, June 12, and remain open to the public until July 17, 2024. The exhibition is a narrative that moves within the gallery rooms telling a story of relationships divided into three acts.

As well as all his research, Flavio Orlando dwells on the experiences of everyday life. The environment is processed according to the vision and feelings of the artist who chooses to dwell on emotional ties and memories, but above all on all the most sincere everyday experiences. Thus, an exhibition is born that aims to tell about those common feelings of which we are not aware that rework our joy.

Tappa fissa moves within the three rooms of the gallery according to different gradients: in the first, the artist tries to break the relationship with monotony through novelty and joy, but soon after these become similarly repetitive giving rise to a vain, but above all unrepeatable circle. The second room, on the other hand, is about loneliness: the protagonist is a solitary subject performing ordinary gestures in equally ordinary contexts. In such a hectic historical period we all live so much in the everyday that we have begun to move automatically, without realizing it. In the third and final room Orlando no longer shows what is happening to us, but raises doubts in the visitor thanks to an open ending that sinks the mind on the very meaning of living by means of a suspended scenario. An open ending where all interpretation is subjective.

Notes on the artist

Born in 1991, Flavio Orlando lives and works in Rome where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in 2016 and 2018. The artist creates a visual grammar in which the protagonists of his scenes are no longer human but typified and paradoxical figures characterized by hyperbolic faces.

Image: Underclothes. Credits Sara Galletta

Flavio Orlando's solo exhibition in Rome recounts feelings about everyday experiences
Flavio Orlando's solo exhibition in Rome recounts feelings about everyday experiences

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