Every landscape is temporary: Eugenio Tibaldi's solo exhibition of his graphic work at PAV

At PAV - Parco Arte Vivente in Turin, Italy, Eugenio Tibaldi's solo exhibition of his graphic work. The exhibition starts from the assumption that every landscape can only be temporary.

PAV - Parco Arte Vivente in Turin presents from November 6, 2021 to February 27, 2022 Eugenio Tibaldi ’s solo exhibition entitled Temporary Landscape. Herbaria, Maps, Diaries, curated by Marco Scotini. The exhibition intends to focus on the artist’sgraphic work, on the borderline between aesthetic representation, photography, architectural design and theoretical reflection.

Eugenio Tibaldi’s research has always focused on the informal dynamics of space appropriation andattention to marginal territories; however, this solo show revolves around the graphic diary the artist produced during the pandemic, called Heidi, where the rejection of the rhetoric of an unspoiled nature is accompanied by the categorical rejection of the neoliberal and extractivist project that cannot be cured by a mythical lost world.

Tibaldi’s attention to peripheral areas always focuses on the richness of biodiversity and on what the artist calls their “aesthetic results,” a set of informal solutions to the needs of the inhabitants, realized by them in a completely spontaneous and autonomous way: Tibaldi traverses, analyzes and samples them, constructing elements of an inventory that he layers within his works, bringing out the macrodynamics and details of a complex relationship between legality, economy, society and aesthetics. The production of space is the practice of grasping the ecosystem as a plane of relationships in which existences and the environment dynamically modify and mutually invent each other. “Peripheral areas,” says the artist, “with their ’non-boundaries,’ lend themselves to enter into relationship with human material according to dynamics ’other’ than the central ones, giving rise to adaptive solutions and coexistence between the often unforeseen parts.”

Tibaldi has realized participatory projects related to the social dynamics of the territory in numerous cities around the world: the Tabula Rasa project on the occasion of Manifesta 7 in Bolzano, My personal bridge on the Galata Bridge in Istanbul, Transit in Thessaloniki or Play Bucharest in Bucharest, up to the recent Anthropogenic Connection in Addis Ababa. The Parthenopean hinterland, where the artist has lived for a long time, has a special role within his conception, because it constitutes the experiential matrix of an aesthetic reflection re-applied to different contexts, a mode of lateral gaze, of second chance: a working method that enhances centrifugal motions, out of control and difficult to normalize.

Every landscape, as inferred from the title of the exhibition, can only be temporary: Tibaldi highlights the timelines imposed by thesquatting inherent in commercial construction, focusing in particular on “those structures that, destined to last for a few months, become definitive, part of a landscape, like construction sites under seizure, concrete abuses never finished, immobile witnesses of an anomalous situation that precisely because of its static nature becomes a landscape and leads us to shift our aesthetic boundaries.”

The exhibition is realized with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT, the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin.

For info: www.parcoartevivente.it

Image: Eugenio Tibaldi, Temporary landscape 2009-2020 (200 x 160 cm). Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Umberto Di Marino. Ph.Credit Beppe Giardino

Every landscape is temporary: Eugenio Tibaldi's solo exhibition of his graphic work at PAV
Every landscape is temporary: Eugenio Tibaldi's solo exhibition of his graphic work at PAV

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