#EnjoyEternity: mummies and smartphones in Turin.

EnjoyEternity, Sharon Ritossa's photos are on display at the Egyptian Museum in Turin. Ancient Egypt meets smartphone screens

On Wednesday, the exhibition #EnjoyEternity, a photographic project by artist Sharon Ritossa, winner of the Hangar Creatività call, and curated by Virginia Cimino, was inaugurated at the Egyptian Museum of Turin in collaboration with CAMERA - Italian Center for Photography.

An unusual project in whichancient Egypt meets the screens of modern smartphones divided into three sections: in the first, the imposing sphinxes dating back to the New Kingdom are broken down and recomposed in hundreds of images taken with a smartphone, testifying to the need of visitors to immortalize the artifacts in order to preserve a detail; in the second section, the main theme is color, declined in the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) scale of the screen, which brings the past back to its ancient splendor with contemporary hues and displays it on long rolls of printed paper, modern and multicolored papyri; in the last section, the image of a female body wrapped in a thread that emanates light, a mummy of the technological age, perhaps a body donated to its own self-celebration. A choice that, in color and material, leads the visitor to reflect once again on the relationship between technology and images, in a space that is off-screen, but not necessarily in reality.

Sharon Ritossa states, “The hypnotic attitude that is generated in the presence of the smartphone, a small backlit object that has conquered our everyday life, seems to have analogies with an ancient past where icons and golden totems become bearers of revelatory truths. We look with and through a screen to learn about and experience an era marked by continuous leaps between the real and unreal worlds and where past and present coexist. Our handheld device becomes the key to an eternal space/time, representing all that is not here and now, yet part of our constant present.”

“A nice innovative way to bring ancient art and new languages closer together,” add Evelina Cristhillin, president of the Egyptian Museum, and Walter Guadagini, director of Camera. Sponsored by theDepartment of Culture and Tourism of the Piedmont Region and coordinated by the Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, the exhibition will remain open until Feb. 26.

The opening hours of the Egyptian Museum are: Monday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Opening hours at CAMERA - Italian Center for Photography (Via delle Rosine 18, Turin) are: Monday from 2 to 7 p.m., Tuesday closed, Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

#EnjoyEternity: mummies and smartphones in Turin.
#EnjoyEternity: mummies and smartphones in Turin.

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