Diary of a Dreamer: Gianluca Patti's solo exhibition at the Stelline Foundation

From Oct. 22 to Nov. 26, 2023, the Stelline Foundation in Milan is hosting Gianluca Patti's solo exhibition 'Diary of a Dreamer,' which chronicles Patti's artistic research, directed toward color and matter his capacity for expression and his worldview.

From October 22 to November 26, 2023, the Fondazione Stelline in Milan is hosting Gianluca Patti ’s solo exhibition Diario di un sognatore, curated by Alessandra Klimciuk. Through more than thirty works and four installations, the exhibition recounts Gianluca Patti’s artistic research, which directs his capacity for expression and his vision of the world toward color and matter.

To fully understand Gianluca Patti’s works, it is necessary to include his personal experience and the memory of these early experiences of vision, in which the horizon we imagine is what we see. The density of this existential narrative along with the choice of materials evocative of his familiar past become indispensable elements to enter his artistic process and understand its uniqueness. Cement products, resins and pigments, as well as drywall nets and bubble wrap sheets, in memory and honor of her father’s work, are decontextualized and reused to build layered and sculptural works with a visual grid that is her lens on the world.

The monochromatic world filtered through his unique experience as a child in and out of hospitals-his first drawing is a black spot-becomes in his mature expression an explosion of color. The color and light of his works are born, however, out of that darkness and preserve it forever. An acknowledgement by the artist of the profound value of his experience, as of every lived experience, even the most painful, with which to reconcile strength and fragility in one’s resilience.

“And if we are talking about color and vision,” as curator Alessandra Klimciuk reminds us in the catalog text, "the teaching of Josef Albers and his theory of color, developed during his classes at the Bauhaus and published in the volume Interaction of Color in 1963, with which he refined a practice for developing the eye for color, that sensitivity to light and hue that the theoretical study of optics and color systems alone can in no way give. Through color learn to see the world. But also to listen to it, because in synesthesia color has a sound and its function is evocative, allowing the connection between the artist, memories and the dream dimension. It is Gianluca Patti’s artistic process itself, with the layering of painting and the grid-like structure, that makes underlying elements surface freely, as if they were memories and emotions from the past."

The exhibition, organized by Fondazione Stelline under the patronage of the Lombardy Region and the City of Milan, was made possible thanks to the support of Isorropia Homegallery, Amaro Lucano, Drama Resine, Marie Danielle, Fontana Grafica, Ottica Barzaghi, Milky Way, Leontis Real Estate, Vitavigor, Talking Nat, All Flying Services and BIANCHIZARDIN Contemporary Art.

Supporting the narrative will be a catalog published by Fondazione Alberto Peruzzo with texts by Alessandra Klimciuk and a section dedicated to installation views.

Gianluca Patti was born in 1977 in Monza and lives and works between Monza and Milan. His research is focused on the study of color and matter as tools of narration of personal experience and temporal dimension. The self-taught study of the history of art has played a fundamental role in the evolution of his artistic research: at the beginning of his own path, he became interested in the pictorial work of great artists such as Pollock, Vedova, Basquiat and Richter, deepening their chromatic balance and looking for his own unique approach to color, as part of a personal research in continuous evolution. Gianluca Patti’s work has been shown in several solo and group exhibitions, and has become part of prominent contemporary art collections. The artist’s cross-disciplinary approach has also led him to collaborate on set designs in advertising and interior design, and to be selected for art and enterprise projects.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Stelline Foundation.

Diary of a Dreamer: Gianluca Patti's solo exhibition at the Stelline Foundation
Diary of a Dreamer: Gianluca Patti's solo exhibition at the Stelline Foundation

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