Designer's Dream: an exhibition of sculptures by great designers that will go to auction for charity

Coming up at the Superstudio space in Milan is the Designer's Dream exhibition: the display consisting of 16 sculptures by leading designers (such as Alessandro Mendini or Flavio Lucchini) from the SLIDE Art collection, will conclude with an auction held by Christie's.

Coming to the halls of Superstudio in Milan is the exhibition Designer’s Dream, curated and coordinated by Gisella Borioli, founder of the exhibition space. The exhibition, scheduled from Jan. 24 to Jan. 30, is made possible thanks to the donation of 16 sculptures by the design company SLIDE, famous for its rotational plastic furniture and lighting accessories, and will conclude with a charity auction held by Christie’s on Jan. 30.

For this occasion, the world’s largest auction house has decided to waive commissions on sales; from Cento per Cento Company, which produced the catalog free of charge; from New Team Banqueting, which will provide catering before the auction; and from Tenute Venturini Foschi, which will provide wine for the planned refreshments.

The design works, were commissioned from great designers by company founder Giò Colonna Romano to mark the 20th anniversary of the company’s founding.

The auction of these works has two main objectives: to support the nonprofit association MuseoCity, which works on more than 100 museums in Milan promoting Milanese and national museum heritage, and to make the works vehicles for the collector and publisher’s love of art and design.

Allusive, playful, contemporary, and mysterious, the sculptures in the SLIDE Art collection on display and auctioned were designed without functional or commercial limitations, leaving the works themselves open to free interpretation. Several personalities have been collected by Colonna Romano for the SLIDE Art section, including Alessandro Mendini, Fabio Rotella, Alex Mocika, Flavio Lucchini, Denis Santachiara, and Alessandro Guerriero.

Also, just during the 54th Venice Biennale in 2011, the Slide Art - Sign Off Design group show was presented for the first time in the cloister of the Holy Trinity. For information you can visit

“The SLIDE Art project, born from the inspiration and creativity of my father Giò Colonna Romano, is a demonstration of the deep and lasting bond between SLIDE and art,” says Marco Colonna Romano, son of Giò Colonna Romano and CEO of SLIDE. “This project represents Giò Colonna Romano’s sensitivity to design and beauty. So, on the occasion of the company’s 20th anniversary, I decided to celebrate the passion and imagination that gave birth to SLIDE by donating some works from this important collection: in this way, the enthusiasm and free creativity that these sculptures represent will be able to bring support to a reality of great value such as MuseoCity and thus continue to generate beauty and culture.”

"Soon after opening our FlavioLucchiniArt Museum, fashion reinterpreted through art, I approached MuseoCity and decided to collaborate with this cultural association of great interest and open to social and inclusive art projects that require great commitment, including economic," explains Gisella Borioli, CEO Superstudio Group. “I was thinking about how to bring concrete help, and here Marco Colonna Romano came to me with the generous donation of the sculptures wanted by his father Giò, with whom I have a great friendship and a long collaboration. The idea of the auction was immediately realized thanks to the contribution, without compensation, of many friends, including Christie’s, so that I could offer the entire proceeds to MuseoCity and spread culture and beauty to all. A gesture of love that I hope will be contagious.”

Designer's Dream: an exhibition of sculptures by great designers that will go to auction for charity
Designer's Dream: an exhibition of sculptures by great designers that will go to auction for charity

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