Dario Ghibaudo's Museum of Unnatural History goes on display in his native Cuneo

The Monumental Complex of San Francesco in Cuneo will host in its spaces about ninety works from Dario Ghibaudo's Museum of Unnatural History. A project born in 1990 and in continuous evolution to analyze society and its contradictions.

From September 3 to October 30, 2022, the San Francesco Monumental Complex in Cuneo will host theexhibition Dario Ghibaudo. Museum of Unnatural History, curated by Luigi De Ambrogi and Carlo Cinque. About ninety works that Dario Ghibaudo (Cuneo, 1951) has created in recent years will be on display. The public will have the opportunity to get to know and learn more about his Museum of Unnatural History, born in 1990 and continuously growing, conceived from the desire to analyze society and its contradictions and to represent them with a language that is apparently formal but actually conceals a certain irony.

Among the founders of Italian Ironic Conceptualism, Dario Ghibaudo is a tireless draughtsman; his inks are born directly with the nib, without any preparatory drawing. He uses various types of materials as long as they are functional for the realization of the idea: he works with resin, white earth, porcelain, cement, papier mâché, stone and marble.

The Museum of Unnatural History is developed as an eighteenth-century-style natural history museum by following a path through rooms, each named after different fields of scientific inquiry: anthropology, botany, entomology, ethnography, ethnology, ethology and several others. Although shielded from scientific research, it is the human condition reinterpreted in an ironic and playful way that is the real theme. The rooms into which the Museum is ideally divided show humans immobilized in their status, extraordinary plants and animals endowed with an evocative charge that makes them immediately recognizable at a first reading, but which are gradually discovered to be inherently tainted and contaminated. With the goal that the anomalous be first perceived rather than seen.

“In Dario Ghibaudo’s making we see the gesture of the inks rotate as a perfect machine around his wrist, while in sculpture all limbs rotate, dance, bow to the material. Then in the swirling of these vaults, in the midst of sweat, toil and dust, here is the appearance of forms that suddenly have nothing more of the invented, nothing more of the astonishing or original but everything appears in the real,” writes curator De Ambrogi.

Dario Ghibaudo. Museum of Unnatural History is the twenty-fourth exhibition of the grandArte 2022 - HELP - humanity, ecology, liberty, politicsreview and is under the patronage of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, the Piedmont Region, the Province of Cuneo and the City of Cuneo; it also has the contribution of the City of Cuneo, Fondazione CRC, Fondazione CRT and the support of Intesa Sanpaolo, ATL del Cuneese, La Guida, Lannutti logistics and transportation, ACDA, Armando Group, Wedge Power, Confartigianato Cuneo, Generali assicurazioni Cuneo, Limone Riserva Bianca, Marcopolo, Paneco Ambiente. You can visit the exhibition, with free admission, Tuesday through Sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more info visit www.grandarte.it

Image: Dario Ghibaudo, Avis Nodatus. Photo by Claudia Isoardi

Dario Ghibaudo's Museum of Unnatural History goes on display in his native Cuneo
Dario Ghibaudo's Museum of Unnatural History goes on display in his native Cuneo

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