Cortina d'Ampezzo, an exhibition to celebrate 50 years of the Mario Rimoldi Museum of Modern Art.

An exhibition dedicated to the collection of works by collector Mario Rimoldi, a lover of 19th and 20th century art, will open in Cortina d'Ampezzo from June 25 to October 6, 2024, to celebrate 50 years of the Rimoldi Museum.

On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Mario Rimoldi Museum of Modern Art in Cortina d’Ampezzo, the exhibition The Mario Rimoldi Museum: a fable of Ampezzo will open to the public from June 25 to October 6, 2024. 1974-2024, produced by the Cultural Commission of the Rimoldi Museum, in collaboration with artist Paolo Barozzi, archivist Ilaria Lancedelli and art curator Giorgio Chinea Canale. The exhibition highlights much of the work of collector Mario Rimoldi (Cortina d’Ampezzo, 1900-1972). The donation of the collection, which came to the Regole d’Ampezzo in 1974 from Rimoldi’s wife, Rosa Braun came to fruition thanks to the Regole d’Ampezzo’s realization of the collection’s value. The collection is the fruit of Rimoldi’s passion, who began to take an interest in art, focusing initially on the 19th century, and then became increasingly involved with the works of 20th-century masters, even those younger and not yet considered by critics. At the root of the choices were travels, acquaintances such as Giorgio Zamberlan, Giovanni Comisso, and especially friendship with the painter Filippo de Pisis.

The attraction to the “Beautiful” had now become so intense that it spurred Rimoldi to seek out new works with which to surround himself, including those by: de Pisis, de Chirico, Morandi, Semeghini, Rosai, Campigli, Sironi, Savinio, Corpora, Crippa, Dova, Morlotti, Music, Santomaso, Vedova, Garbari, Depero, Guttuso, Semeghini, Tomea, Tosi, Guidi, Musič, Kokoschka, Léger, Villon, Zadkine, Saetti, Marussig, Viani, Funi. Among the most significant moments in this history, mention should be made of the first Exhibition of Contemporary Art Collections in 1941 in Cortina, held under the auspices of the Ministry of National Education and in particular Minister Bottai, the organization of prestigious exhibitions, and Rimoldi’s many contributions to the growth of Cortina d’Ampezzo: he was the founder of the Circolo Artistico, a supporter of the Ulysses Prize, and the creator of the Paris Prize. Throughout these fifty years, numerous and varied initiatives have been proposed by the Museum of Modern Art, which, through temporary exhibitions, loans on the occasion of prestigious exhibitions in Italy and abroad, conferences, and collaborations with the world of culture and᾿education, has endeavored to keep alive that open spirit that was one of Mario Rimoldi’s most appreciable characteristics.

Cortina d'Ampezzo, an exhibition to celebrate 50 years of the Mario Rimoldi Museum of Modern Art.
Cortina d'Ampezzo, an exhibition to celebrate 50 years of the Mario Rimoldi Museum of Modern Art.

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