Claudio Cargiolli's solo exhibition at Versiliana with about 40 new works

From July 13 to August 31, Villa La Versiliana in Marina di Pietrasanta is hosting an exhibition by painter Claudio Cargiolli. On display are about 40 unpublished works created in the past three years.

From July 13 to August 31, Villa La Versiliana in Marina di Pietrasanta is hosting an exhibition by painter Claudio Cargiolli. On display will be about forty unpublished works created in the past three years, along with a selection of paintings from private collections. The exhibition will also offer the opportunity to admire The King, a rare youthful painting recently reacquired by the artist and originally presented in 1971 during his first solo exhibition at “Il Fillungo” gallery in Lucca, curated by renowned art historian Pier Carlo Santini.

Born in 1952 in Ponzanello, a small village near Fosdinovo (Massa Carrara), Claudio Cargiolli studied at the Liceo Artistico and then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, where he still lives and works. From the beginning, he showed a curiosity and freedom of expression that led him to favor imagination and fantasy, keeping away from fashions and focusing on the search for good painting. Since 1968 he has participated in numerous painting festivals, and his first solo exhibition was in 1971.

His early painting is characterized by enigmatic subjects, figures with erased faces and composed by fragments. Over time, his art acquired more structure, giving shape to visions and dreams that are consolidated into fantastic tales. Since the mid-1980s, his artistic research has intensified, leading to collaborations with prestigious galleries such as Galleria Forni in Bologna and numerous high-profile exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Among his most significant exhibitions are the anthological shows at the Palazzo Ducale in Massa and the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino.

The exhibition at lla Versiliana is an opportunity to appreciate Cargiolli’s artistic evolution, from his early production to his most recent works, characterized by dreamy, pure and timeless images. The public will be able to immerse themselves in an exhibition itinerary that offers a comprehensive view of his artistic research, culminating in works that express tenderness of affection and visual poetry.

Claudio Cargiolli, Nihil aliud quam pulvis
Claudio Cargiolli, Nihil aliud quam pulvis
Claudio Cargiolli, Crowned King
Claudio Cargiolli, Crowned King
Claudio Cargiolli, As if by magic.
Claudio Cargiolli, As if by magic

Claudio Cargiolli's solo exhibition at Versiliana with about 40 new works
Claudio Cargiolli's solo exhibition at Versiliana with about 40 new works

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