Claude Monet's Thames views series brought together in a UK exhibition for the first time

120 years after their presentation in Paris, London's Courtauld Gallery is exhibiting reunited for the first time in the UK the series of paintings Claude Monet devoted to views of the Thames.

From September 27, 2024 to January 19, 2025, the Courtauld Gallery in London will host the exhibition Monet and London: Views of the Thames. The exhibition will bring together for the first time in London, 120 years after their presentation in Paris, the series that the father of Impressionism Claude Monet devoted to views of the Thames, thus fulfilling Monet’s never-fulfilled ambition to exhibit this group of paintings in the U.K. capital, just 300 meters from the Savoy Hotel, where many of them were executed.

Begun during three stays in London between 1899 and 1901, the series depicting Charing Cross Bridge, Waterloo Bridge and the Houses of Parliament was in fact unveiled in Paris in 1904. Monet strongly desired to exhibit them the following year in the Thames-crossed capital, but plans fell through. To date, they have never been the subject of an exhibition in the United Kingdom.

This exhibition therefore aims to present the paintings that Monet himself chose for his Paris and London audiences, and to offer visitors the experience of seeing Monet’s curated exhibition and the works that he felt best represented his ambitious artistic endeavor.

For info:

Claude Monet, London, Parliament. Effect of sun in fog (1904; oil on canvas; Paris, Musée d'Orsay). Photo Grand Palais RMN / Hervé Lewandowski
Claude Monet, London, Parliament. Effect of Sunshine in the Mist (1904; oil on canvas; Paris, Musée d’Orsay). Photo Grand Palais RMN / Hervé Lewandowski
Claude Monet, Charing Cross Bridge, the Thames (1903; oil on canvas; Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts. Photo Musée des Beaux-Arts Lyon / Alain Basset
Claude Monet, Charing Cross Bridge, the Thames (1903; oil on canvas; Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts. Photo Musée des Beaux-Arts Lyon / Alain Basset
Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament. Sunset (1900-1903; oil on canvas, 81.2 x 92 cm; Hasso Plattner Collection)
Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament. Sunset (1900-1903; oil on canvas, 81.2 x 92 cm; Hasso Plattner Collection)
Claude Monet, Waterloo Bridge. Gray weather (1900; oil on canvas; Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago)
Claude Monet, Waterloo Bridge. Gray Weather (1900; oil on canvas; Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago)
Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament (1904; Kunstmuseen Krefeld - Volker Döhne - ARTOTHEK)
Claude Monet, Houses of Parliament (1904; Kunstmuseen Krefeld - Volker Döhne - ARTOTHEK)

Claude Monet's Thames views series brought together in a UK exhibition for the first time
Claude Monet's Thames views series brought together in a UK exhibition for the first time

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