Chagall. Dream of love: 150 works on display in Naples

From February 15 to June 30, 2019, the Basilica of Pietrasanta in Naples is hosting the exhibition Chagall. Dream of Love.

Chagall. Dream of Love is the exhibition that will be on display in Naples at the Basilica della Pietrasanta - Lapis Museum from February 15 to June 30, 2019.

For the first time in Naples, the art of Marc Chagall will be told through 150 works, including paintings, drawings, watercolors and engravings. Rare and extraordinary masterpieces from private collections will allow the public to learn about the painter’s life, artistic activity and feeling for his beloved wife Bella.
Childhood memories, fairy tales, poetry, religion and war coexist in the works, a universe of brightly colored dreams, of intense hues that give life to landscapes populated by characters, real or imaginary, who crowded into the artist’s imagination. Works that reproduce a dreamlike imagery in which it is difficult to distinguish reality and dream.

The exhibition is curated by Dolores Duràn Ucar and is organized and produced by the Arthemisia Group; it also benefits from the patronage of the City of Naples, is under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Naples, and in tune with the San Luigi section of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy, School of Higher Education in Art and Theology, the Rectory of the Basilica of S. Maria Maggiore at Pietrasanta and the Pietrasanta Polo Culturale ONLUS Association.

For info:

Hours: Daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Tickets: Full with audioguide 15 euros, full 14 euros. Reduced with audioguide 13 euros, reduced 12 euros. Reduced price for children with audioguide 7 euros, reduced price for children 6 euros.

Image: Marc Chagall, Le Coq Violet (1966-1972; oil, gouache and Indian ink on canvas, 89 x 77 cm; private collection)

Chagall. Dream of love: 150 works on display in Naples
Chagall. Dream of love: 150 works on display in Naples

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