CAMERA Turin dedicates an exhibition this summer to Margaret Bourke - White

CAMERA - Italian Center for Photography in Turin will dedicate an exhibition to American Margaret Bourke - White from June 14 to October 6, 2024. About 150 photographs will be on display.

Following exhibition projects dedicated to Eve Arnold and Dorothea Lange, CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin will dedicate an exhibition to American Margaret Bourke-White from June 14 to October 6, 2024. Curated by Monica Poggi, the exhibition entitled Margaret Bourke-White. The Work 1930-1960 will tell through about 150 photographs the work, the life of the great photographer and her shots on the pages of famous magazines with wide circulation.

The transformations of the world, the focus of Bourke-White’s research, find their way onto the cover of the first issue of LIFE magazine, read in her iconic portraits of Stalin and Gandhi, her reports on American industry, and her World War II shoots in the Soviet Union, North Africa, Italy and Germany, where she documented the entry of U.S. troops into Berlin and the horrors of concentration camps. Forced to give up photography because of Parkinson’s disease, from 1957 she devoted herself to her autobiography, Portrait of Myself, published in 1963. She would die in 1971 from complications of the disease.

CAMERA’s Project Room will instead host from June 14 to July 21, 2024 Il giorno dopo la notte, a solo exhibition by Paolo Novelli (Brescia, 1976) curated by the Center’s artistic director Walter Guadagnini. The exhibition will bring together two cycles of the photographer’s work, made between 2011 and 2018, and considered central to the evolution of his language. Active since the late 1990s, as secluded as he is appreciated by such central figures of Italian photographic culture as Giovanni Martini, Lanfranco Colombo, Arturo Carlo Quintavalle and Giovanni Gastel, since the 2000s Paolo Novelli has published several monographs, including Interiors on the occasion of his first exhibition at Galleria Massimo Minini (2011).

For info:

Hours: Daily from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Image: Margaret Bourke-White, Aerial view of a DC-4 passenger plane flying over midtown Manhattan, New York City, New York, 1939. The LIFE Picture Collection/Shutterstock

CAMERA Turin dedicates an exhibition this summer to Margaret Bourke - White
CAMERA Turin dedicates an exhibition this summer to Margaret Bourke - White

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