Brescia, interactive installation kicks off Raphael's 500th anniversary celebrations

In Brescia, celebrations of Raphael's 500th anniversary kick off with the interactive installation IN-vece at the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo.

The first stage of the Brescian celebrations of the five-hundredth anniversary of Raphael ’s death is held at the Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo, where the IN-vece experience show, dedicated to engravings of Raphael’s works in the Brescian collections, has been presented to the public, thanks to the Municipality of Brescia and the Brescia Musei Foundation. This installation is the first initiative in the rich calendar planned for 2020 as a tribute to Raphael.

“Brescia is the only city in northern Italy to permanently possess in its heritage two extraordinary works by Raphael,” says Francesca Bazoli, president of the Brescia Musei Foundation. They are in fact theAngel of the Altarpiece of St. Nicholas of Tolentino and the Redeemer. She adds, “Fondazione Brescia Musei could only interpret the extraordinary anniversary of the five-hundredth anniversary in the best possible way with an articulated and very rich project, which starts the experience show and will then lead to the staging of a large exhibition of graphics dedicated to the master in September in Santa Giulia, a project that led us to be extraordinarily chosen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to represent Italian culture in Europe, on the Raphael anniversary, with our traveling exhibition.”

The event was organized on the occasion of Redeemer ’s departure for the great exhibition at the Scuderie del Quirinale, organized thanks to the collaboration with Gallerie degli Uffizi, Galleria Borghese, Vatican Museums and PARCO.
For Brescia, the initiative constitutes the fifth chapter of the PTM Andata e Ritorno format, which aims to transform loan-related departures into arrivals of guest works. The interactive installation IN-vece, however, does not house an ancient work of art, but becomes a digital immersive space, in which visitors are immersed in a journey that combines past and present, allowing them to interact with the works and see them three-dimensionally

“We should be proud of our heritage,” commented Stefano Karadjov, director of Fondazione Brescia Musei. "So we have opened the repositories that contain a heritage of engravings that has few equals in the world, and we have given it an innovative and modern structure with the setting up of the IN-vece experience show that makes cool something that is normally considered niche. And of this scientific heritage we have made a wonderful exhibition, which will not only be visible in Santa Giulia from September but, thanks to the promotion strategy we have launched for our heritage internationally, also in Zagreb, Tirana and Sarajevo. This is just the beginning of a program that should lead us to new contaminations."

The project, whose scientific content was curated by Roberta D’Adda, curator of Fondazione Brescia Musei, is being developed by Fondazione Brescia Musei in collaboration with the Milan-based studio camerAnebbia. Through a touchscreen connected to a wall-mounted immersive projection, it is possible to enter Raphael’s etchings, discovering never-before-seen points of view thanks to 3D. A remarkable roundup of engravings, from the 16th to the 19th century, will be offered, better understood thanks to the possibility of enlarging them and admiring their details.

The installation can be visited at the Tosio Martinengo Art Gallery from March 6 to June 2020.

For info:

Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed all non-holiday Mondays.

Tickets: Full 8 euros, reduced 4.50 euros from 14 to 18 years and over 65, reduced 3 euros from 6 to 13 years.

Brescia, interactive installation kicks off Raphael's 500th anniversary celebrations
Brescia, interactive installation kicks off Raphael's 500th anniversary celebrations

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