Bologna, great Emilian artists between the 16th and 19th centuries on display at Fondantico gallery

Fondantico Gallery in Bologna presents the exhibition Art Tales. Paintings and drawings from the 16th to the 19th century. Oct. 24 to Dec. 19, 2020.

From October 24 to December 19, 2020, Casa Pepoli Bentivoglio in Bologna is hosting the exhibition Art Tales. Paintings and Drawings from the 16th to the 19th Century, organized by Fondantico Gallery.

Thirty-five works, including paintings and drawings, by important artists, mainly from Emilia, active between the 16th and early 19th centuries will be on display on this occasion. Among the earliest works are a Holy Family by Camillo Filippi from Ferrara, father of Bastianino; a copper with Venus and Love by Lavinia Fontana; and a pallet by Pietro Maria Massari, known as Porrettano, who grew up in the school of the Carracci. There are also paintings by Ippolito Scarsella, known as lo Scarsellino, by Carlo Bononi, by Lucio Massari, author of the large canvas with St. Paul in Ephesus exhorting people to burn heretical books, from the Liechtenstein collection in Vienna; paintings by Giovanni Maria Tamburini, who was particularly active in the field of painting popular and everyday subjects; and by Michele Desubleo, a leading exponent of European classicism. A small masterpiece dating from around 1630 is Guido Reni’s Cupid asleep, described in the 1658 inventory of the estate of the Genoese Giovanni Battista Raggi. By Guercino, on the other hand, is an oval with St. Matthew and the angel listed in his Book of Accounts dated March 4, 1653, which precedes by a few years the Madonna and Child signed and dated 1660 by the Bolognese painter Elisabetta Sirani. The seventeenth-century picture gallery also includes a pair of still lifes with game and birds by Jan Fyt, a painter from Antwerp.

The eighteenth century is represented here by two of the “seven paintings representing Facts from Virgil’s Aeneid” commissioned in 1716 by Marquis Andrea Albicini of Forlì to Ignazio Stern, a pupil of Cignani, and by the canvas with Muzio Scevola before Porsenna by Antonio Gionima, a pupil of Giuseppe Maria Crespi. By Ercole Graziani the finished “model” of the altarpiece with The Miracle of the Blessed Albergati in Arras kept in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome; by Mauro Gandolfi the sketches for the sides of the gala carriage made for Marquis Sebastiano Tanari; by Giacomo Zampa a pair of canvases with the allegories ofSummer andWinter; by Carlo Magini a still life. Worth mentioning is Bernardino Nocchi’s small picture on parchment, the first idea for the Portrait of Marie Clotilde of Bourbon, Queen of Sardinia, kept in Hautecombe Abbey. The exhibition concludes with some drawings of architecture and capriccios made in the early 19th century by Felice Giani, Antonio Basoli and Pelagio Palagi.

For info:

Hours: Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 7 p.m.

Image: Lucio Massari, St. Paul in Ephesus Urges the Burning of Heretical Books (c. 1612; oil on canvas, 193 x 277.5 cm; Princes of Liechtenstein Collection)

Bologna, great Emilian artists between the 16th and 19th centuries on display at Fondantico gallery
Bologna, great Emilian artists between the 16th and 19th centuries on display at Fondantico gallery

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