Beyond Appearance, in Rome the solo exhibition of Andrea Pinchi and Paolo Vannuccini

The exhibition 'Beyond Appearance. Play for Two in the Rooms of Art,' a solo exhibition by Andrea Pinchi and Paolo Vannuccini at the Eitch Borromini Art Gallery.

At the Eitch Borromini Art Gallery, once a papal residence known as the Phamphilji Palace, the exhibition "Beyond Appearance. Play for Two in the Rooms of Art," which will run until May 14.

Curated by Sveva Manfredi Zavaglia, the exhibition is the inner quest and artistic evolution of Andrea Pinchi and Paolo Vannuccini, the event’s protagonists, two different creative souls who share a good technical-artistic research and an authentic and free thinking. The two artists veiledly expose an unusual reality where the common denominator is to go “beyond appearance” in search of beauty. An aesthetic beauty that makes one think deeply but at the same time playfully, as the title of the exhibition suggests.

An exceptional expressive refinement is evident in Andrea Pinchi’s works. The suspense aroused by his titles, which are always original, suggests a profound analysis that the artist travels through the inner world of emotions and its relationship to daily living. His work unfolds on canons of geometric rigor, great structural balance, and clean, square forms, where suddenly the artist’s creative gesture manifests itself and dominates. Pinchi uses different and salvaged materials for the realization of his works, such as old musical instruments or antique leather that he recovers and transforms. The artist brings to life imaginary cities or places, journeys, mystical and real visions with different volumes or small threads that join together in a harmoniously perfect construction. He realizes the imperceptible in a subtle way, the see-through, with the delicate sensitivity that only the artist possesses. His works become his world, a way that is seemingly playful but actually extremely authentic and profound.

In contrast, Paolo Vannuccini’s works immediately announce his urgent need to speak to the world about his strong need: to be free to live his own essence. Just as in Pirandellian dualism, Vannuccini through his creative and informal gesture tells of his true inner world, that of being and not of appearing. Consciously introspective, the artist applies his mark on the canvas with strokes of spatula and brush, in a turbulent and instinctive almost cathartic way, while respecting a careful use of color and material. His seemingly chaotic works actually follow a precise gestural order revealing harmonious synthesis and strong emotions. In his latest works, human figures suddenly pop up in front of walls of color with the desire to climb over and succeed in going beyond; these are silhouettes of people taking shape, traits and imaginary figures dreamed by the artistic sensibility that leads to open the mind to revive it through color. Art thus becomes a fundamental means of achieving inner peace.

The exhibition thus aims to guide the viewer in this “game of two” between the aesthetic and inner worlds, which the two artists show precisely between essence and appearance. An exhibition project of extraordinary artistic relevance that provides a cognitive journey of painting and color, in continuous dialogue with the self and life. The language of art in this double solo exhibition wants in a subtle way to provoke and intrigue the eye of the attentive observer by creating a direct relationship between the works of art, their authors and the discerning audience.

Admission to the exhibition is free, daily from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
For all information you can call 06 6861425 or send an email to

Pictured: Andrea Pinchi, Gino51 Urban Squid (2018; acrylic, circa 1960 Fabriano typing paper, 1785 leather and 1659 rope on canvas, 100 x 100 cm)

Beyond Appearance, in Rome the solo exhibition of Andrea Pinchi and Paolo Vannuccini
Beyond Appearance, in Rome the solo exhibition of Andrea Pinchi and Paolo Vannuccini

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